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Jolas (2021-09-24 01:22:42):

let me know if i missed a cursor! ;-)

hamburguesa uwu (2021-09-24 03:03:06):

No te saltaste ninguno ;-)

Unknown author (2021-09-24 06:04:59):

wow i like it thanks!

RIDDLER (2021-09-24 15:37:21 / 5 stars):

I like them.

Unknown author (2021-09-25 00:23:42):

Its cool Jod Job

Jolas (2021-09-26 03:24:22):

thanks for all your reviews guys!

im going to post another set if i can today! :-D

Unknown author (2021-09-26 18:03:00):

wow this ia a fairly great cursor ngl


RafaelMammadov727 (2021-09-26 18:55:04):



000 (2021-09-28 00:47:44 / 2.5 stars):

Es aburrido

Unknown author (2021-09-28 02:24:19):

what rge

♠♣♥♦Liyan Graphicsツ (2021-09-29 06:39:59 / 5 stars):

I love them and please make from more colors like yellow green orange and red. icon-image/14468-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14468-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14468-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14468-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14468-16x16x32.png image icon-image/14468-16x16x32.png image

Kairy 凯氜 (2021-09-29 14:52:01 / 5 stars):

I like it very much, coz there are cartoony, me and my elder brother like it very much, and Jolas thank you to doing this cursor

Jolas (2021-10-01 14:41:10):

i didn't expect this cursor to be popular, thank you guys, i appreciate a lot, it just made my whole day :-)

Unknown author (2021-12-23 00:19:23):

awesome cursor!

Unknown author (2022-03-06 23:31:57):

Good Job good cursor :-D

KCursor (2022-12-02 07:42:32):

Nice cursor, I really like the style! :-D

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