KCursor's profile

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KCursor's profile

View KCursor's timeline, last visit on December 10th 2022

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KCursor's picture
Name:Kjell Ølsen

Just a user.

Latest art

Texorz TeaserTexorz Cursors
by KCursor259DON'T DOWNLOAD THIS! You won't like it.
Cemeng-Petak TeaserCemeng-Petak Cursors
by KCursor5407Cemeng Petak is a Balinese language which when translated into Englis...

Forum topics, where KCursor participated

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Recent comments

user icon Anonymous on February 21st 2022


user icon Anonymous on February 28th 2022

Hi, I saw your Texorz Cursor set. I think it's kinda funny. Please continue to make more beautiful and funny cursors like that for people to enjoy! I appreciate your art work!

user icon KCursor registered user on December 1st 2022

New cursor is coming soon! 8-) My prediction it'll come somewhere between 5-8 December. It'll be cursor like Texorz, but it's not a text.

user icon Anonymous
Select background
Vista & Win 7 icons
What about ICL files?
I wish there were...