sixλxis (2010-01-03 03:35:04):
oh looks youve already got a liscence! well i guess noone gets a free liscence then. Erik (2010-01-17 14:41:47 / 4.5 stars):
Better 256 X 256 HaKaSuKe (2010-03-28 05:21:18 / 4.5 stars):
Good Work sixλxis (2010-04-26 19:43:44):
Beautiful and highly infectious! (if you know what i mean ) Panovola (2011-04-27 18:33:13):
How do ya make icons like that? Sirea (2011-04-27 18:43:01):
Panavola.. It is easy, but more complicated for explanation. I will try to create the tutorial. If you are interested. Lost Girl (2012-02-29 03:14:29 / 5 stars):
Very nice! I think this is a very interesting set. You should rename the set though. They don't really look like snowflakes, but judging from your title, They aren't supposed to look like snowflakes. Cool set anyway. cdl (2013-01-04 14:21:21 / 4.5 stars):
lol.. mutated.. very nicely mutated snowflakes! deadly bro (2013-02-26 14:39:08 / 5 stars):
no wonder you won the snowflake contest these icons ROCK really it ROCK i mean it it ROCK Jason (2013-03-05 05:57:34 / 5 stars):
ooooh they look really eye catching. Unknown author (2014-03-11 20:29:58):
lindo Sky Gemini (2014-11-29 21:58:50):
Sweet! (Thank you!) #17 (2016-01-11 04:19:31 / 5 stars):
Aww ... snowflakes. Wait, WHUT? Xudatxa (2023-08-09 07:59:23 / 5 stars):
This creativity I liked. Various 3D designers. Unknown author (2023-11-03 19:01:39):
holy freaking peak |