Erik (2010-11-11 14:29:16):
sixλxis (2010-11-11 22:37:06):
lol Unknown author (2010-11-17 11:55:57):
Hello World! Erik (2010-11-17 17:05:12):
Hello Anonymous! Unknown author (2010-11-18 02:19:38):
That's great resource on Internet, it was real help me in my daily work. Unknown author (2010-11-18 07:59:02):
Grate Davez (2010-12-11 12:44:37 / 4.5 stars):
KEWL! I IZ LIKING DIZ IKUNZ! foar and a halv / fiev! (Lolspeak ^^) Unknown author (2011-02-11 01:52:55):
123pRO FeniulaPyra (2011-09-06 02:17:37 / 5 stars):
these are really cool! do you think you could add numbers? jojois74 (2011-10-04 02:32:08 / 4 stars):
They are really good, but they are too repetitive. They have to be different. Still, 4/5 because they look good with all of the letters. Do you think you could make symbols? Unknown author (2011-11-01 08:56:37): crap doesn't work! tev (2012-03-04 20:48:37 / 4.5 stars):
someone needed to do Nintendo (2012-04-06 20:35:47):
COOOL they are like awsome letters pushed down onto a pillow Unknown author (2013-06-27 05:28:40):
i like it so much daitalos (2016-01-01 10:08:03 / 4.5 stars):
nice.. Unknown author (2020-05-22 22:40:33):
tffffffffffffrrrrrrrrrrrr6yu777777777777777777777777777777777777777gjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjcgfffyyj Phantom (2021-09-29 14:30:42 / 5 stars):
Very original Bry10022 (2025-01-27 02:23:28 / 5 stars):
Kind of reminds me of these poly spots that my gym class had when I was still in school, except with orange letters instead of yellow. |