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View FeniulaPyra's timeline, last visit on May 27th 2022

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GW2 Elementalist Cursors (19 cursors)

Released on November 9th 2018 by FeniulaPyra

Based on the Guild Wars 2 Elementalist Class. After doing the Asura cursor set, I embarked on creating cursor sets for every class and race in GW2. Since elementalist was my favorite class, I did it first! If yall think I represented any part of the class wrong/want extra elementalist cursors, lmk, and if I don\'t get extremely lazy (which is unfortunately very likely) I\'ll try my best to make it and add it to the set!

Latest art

GW2 Elementalist TeaserGW2 Elementalist Cursors
by FeniulaPyra1484Based on the Guild Wars 2 Elementalist Class. After doing the Asura c...
Guild Wars 2 Asura TeaserGuild Wars 2 Asura Cursors
by FeniulaPyra125Guild Wars 2 Asura and Golem cursors. Asuras are my favorite GW2 race...
Colored and Spyglass Combination TeaserColored and Spyglass Combination Cursors
by FeniulaPyra108This is a combination of my other two Cursor Sets Spyglass and Colore...
Colored TeaserColored Cursors
by FeniulaPyra216Mostly normal cursors with different effects. I recently downloaded t...
Spyglass TeaserSpyglass Cursors
by FeniulaPyra370
Weird TeaserWeird Icons
by FeniulaPyra265weird icons
Random TeaserRandom Cursors
by FeniulaPyra481Just some random cursors
Spore Creatures TeaserSpore Creatures Cursors
by FeniulaPyra229I made these creatures with spore creature creator trial version

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user icon FeniulaPyra registered user on March 9th 2013

i apreciate ur tryin to stik up 4 me but...

user icon deadly bro registered user on April 29th 2013

yeah ricon is all that you said but not that much plus this isn't a site for saying UGLY words like these icon-image/9430-16x16x32.png image

user icon ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ contributing user on October 10th 2013

Nice job ^^ icon-image/9565-16x16x32.png image

user icon panshycustomize FAN registered user on October 10th 2013

thanks :-D

user icon Anonymous on September 28th 2017

Its a very poop app

user icon Anonymous on December 12th 2019

mesmer cursors i wish;)

user icon Anonymous on December 17th 2019

oh lol ye ill work on those when i can :-D so far i just have the main mesmer symbol sry. I haven't had a lot of time to work on stuff since i started college sry '^.^

user icon FeniulaPyra registered user on December 17th 2019

whoops wasnt logged in sry now i am

user icon ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ contributing user on May 27th 2022


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i love bean 2

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