Goodness gracious Wow the weaver and tempest cursors are icky. Sorry about that. The symbols for the classes are super thin and hard to shade though, so a lot of them will look really lumpy and gross. Heckityheck.
GW2 Elementalist Cursors

- Published on November 9th 2018 by FeniulaPyra.
- Released under the Release to Public Domain license.
Based on the Guild Wars 2 Elementalist Class. After doing the Asura cursor set, I embarked on creating cursor sets for every class and race in GW2. Since elementalist was my favorite class, I did it first! If yall think I represented any part of the class wrong/want extra elementalist cursors, lmk, and if I don\'t get extremely lazy (which is unfortunately very likely) I\'ll try my best to make it and add it to the set!
- Learn how to download and customize your mouse pointer.
- Have a web page or a blog? Learn how to add custom cursors to your web pages.
- Make your own cursors with our freeware cursor maker.
- Your favorite cursor is missing? Make a suggestion.