Unknown author (2009-11-01 20:45:08):
good heart of me sixλxis (2010-04-26 19:35:41):
<3 <- forgot one Unknown author (2011-08-02 17:18:08):
these are fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 Sirea (2011-08-03 08:29:14):
Thanks jojois74 (2011-09-09 00:08:35 / 5 stars):
AMAZING! Anyone who does not give this five stars is... well... crazy! Best set I have ever seen. Each one is different, yet, they all follow the same idea. The artwork is amazing, every single one is a hundred times better than I can make. GREAT set. I LOVE THIS SET!!! I think I was on Caps Lock there. Erik (2011-09-12 14:22:27 / 5 stars):
Yes, they are amazing, and I like that there are so much of them, good work Unknown author (2011-09-29 08:33:31):
Beautiful. Ricon (2011-10-22 22:17:45 / 0.5 stars):
Awesome Set! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Unknown author (2011-11-09 23:58:12):
Just amazing! Nintendo (2012-04-08 05:00:52 / 5 stars):
i cant think of any way else to describe it but one of a kind great job amazing and you rock. Unknown author (2012-05-08 22:56:47):
Ricon, you said it was awesome, but you gave it 0.5/5?! What the heck is with you? Unknown author (2012-05-24 21:06:33):
:-)i luv em AmberZen (2012-06-07 10:21:54 / 5 stars):
It is such a pity that some people are allowed to act as a jealous child and ruin your getting a real average rating. I don't have to name names, look at the only low rating here. Oops, now every one knows it is you - yee of meager talent.
So many I just love! SYNTHCRѺ (2012-09-09 21:31:16 / 5 stars):
5 They all look amazing and there are so many of them. -SYNTHCRO cdl (2012-09-22 10:57:46 / 5 stars):
these R COOL!! Intellisthetics (2012-11-04 10:53:49 / 5 stars):
Amazing! They just showed up on the page! Jason (2013-02-04 22:29:22 / 5 stars):
wow! nice! very creative. I want like, all of them. mike-for-JESUS (2013-02-08 21:52:52 / 3.5 stars):
Cool! I wonder how you make the graphics so good on all of these. deadly bro (2013-04-08 06:59:25 / 5 stars):
simple and great,you sure are an expert about icons sirea my fav is the cookie heart lost my shirt FOR THE THIRD TIME Unknown author (2013-09-17 17:46:28):
good hhhhhh |