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View Intellisthetics's timeline, last visit on April 11th 2013

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Christmas - Intellisthetics Icons (14 icons)

Released on December 11th 2011 by Intellisthetics

Merry Christmas!
Santa with Christmas presents, SnowMan with scarf and hat, Holly berries with leaves, green Wreath with star, Christmas tree with star, golden Bells with holly sprig, blue present with red ribbon, knit caps with holly sprig, Penguins with scarf & cap, striped candy cane, decorated gingerbread man, and Christmas tree with colored balls.

Merry Christmas!

Latest art

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Forum topics, where Intellisthetics participated

Recent comments

user icon Ricon registered user on January 14th 2012

Your good for a new user.
I joined since summer.

user icon Intellisthetics registered user on February 5th 2012

Thank you Ricon.
icon-image/6383-48x48x32.png image (:Make more planets:)
I registered here recently but that does not mean that I am unfamiliar with graphics or the various programs used in production of such. *wink*

user icon AmberZen registered user on September 9th 2012

You definitely make some cool icons.

I want to see more!

user icon Intellisthetics registered user on November 4th 2012

Thanks Amber! I do try with a little help from my friends!
I will see what comes to mind for a new set.

user icon theladarks77 registered user on August 7th 2018

Thank you :-)

user icon Anonymous
Vista & Win 7 icons
What about ICL files?
Select background
I wish there were...