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Unknown author (2013-10-09 02:54:14):

Awesome! Love it!

Unknown author (2013-11-12 00:38:15):

S****t! Wish I had known about this! :-D

Unknown author (2013-11-15 03:35:08):

the biggest sotte pui i've ever seen is here. prashanth sotte vaaiyela en poolu!

Unknown author (2013-11-21 12:16:01):

Cool! :-D

Unknown author (2013-12-13 09:10:55):


Unknown author (2014-01-04 21:19:59):


CamGeraliza (2014-01-06 18:33:40):


Unknown author (2014-01-10 01:56:51):

8-)super engasado 8-) :-(pero no puedo ponerles efecto para que se muevan

Unknown author (2014-02-10 15:54:08):

iam Asghar Arisar from pakitan it good very good 8-)

Asghar so very nice :-o

Unknown author (2014-02-14 18:14:14):

Nice Job Love It :-D

Unknown author (2014-02-16 13:25:03):

Whoever wrote this "the biggest sotte pui i've ever seen is here. prashanth sotte vaaiyela en poolu!" must be doing it himself. This is an uncalled for comment. :-D

Unknown author (2014-03-09 00:48:30):

does it export .3ds or .obj? :-D

Unknown author (2014-03-18 14:42:15):

im none creating it so good :-D :-o :-( 8-) |-) :-D :-)

comenit-my coment:D

Unknown author (2014-04-04 11:17:03):

Nice :-)

Unknown author (2014-04-12 13:15:07):

What is it? :-(

Unknown author (2014-04-22 23:10:25):

I'm going to make spongebob! LOL :-D :-D :-D :-D

jediYellow (2014-05-10 00:37:30):


Needs more integration to really bring it on to me. If individual talent(s) could invest in a RealWorld workflow designed toward creating 3D objects, that would be great. DAZ Victoria always needs another old log or a new highback chair to sit on. It'll take a lot of effort.

Unknown author (2014-05-16 09:26:38):

google sketchup is better... |-) |-) |-) 8-)

Unknown author (2014-05-19 22:50:57):

vai todo mundo toma no cu

rafael (2014-05-25 20:54:29):

Nice Job Love It :-D

Unknown author (2014-07-12 09:30:58):

Cant download but looks nice :-) :-)

Unknown author (2014-08-18 15:23:55):

;-)looking so nice but i can't create that much nice |-)

can i download examples like that :-) 8-)

Unknown author (2014-09-18 14:44:49):

lolz :-D

ravil32 (2014-10-21 15:55:09):

awesome 8-)

Imagine (2014-11-19 20:46:37):

xO its so hard

ultimatemegacursor (2014-12-14 19:26:24):

is not responding on save i can not put this in icon folder and his error says is this
this is not an icon! :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(.

J (2015-04-24 16:05:14):

hey can we make animated gifs in it in 3d?

Vlasta (2015-04-24 18:42:53):

not right now, maybe in the future

J (2015-04-28 07:36:06):

are there any tutorials for unicorn ?

Unknown author (2015-06-23 08:05:28):

Love It

Unknown author (2015-07-07 06:53:26):

I love 3d modeling programs.
Can I create a video from this program?

gloryinx (2015-08-17 04:57:39):

this 3d are part of a wonderful to me

this 3d are part of a wonderful to me |-)

boomay (2015-10-14 03:17:24):

AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! 8-) 8-) :-D

Unknown author (2015-10-29 13:19:15):

h .bggc,,n..kl/m.,;jb,jggnn bm, 8-)

Unknown author (2015-12-02 03:55:55):

on July 7th}

<"I love 3d modeling programs.
Can I create a video from this program?">

Yes, use a screen capture software ;-)

Unknown author (2015-12-14 11:35:00):

In which formats can i save my pictures?
What is the standard format?

Unknown author (2016-01-13 14:58:41):


Unknown author (2016-02-09 13:39:49):

great but maybe hard :-)

nibbler (2016-03-01 15:04:08):

Hard, but really cool. Are there any samples?

Unknown author (2016-04-06 03:09:01):


Unknown author (2016-04-06 21:03:31):

its okay

Unknown author (2016-04-13 14:16:40):

fyto gi usan salva8-)

Unknown author (2016-06-14 04:37:20):

nice software fo editing not for creating 3D Models ;-)

Unknown author (2016-06-21 21:26:22):

cool ;-)

Unknown author (2016-07-19 11:19:16):


Unknown author (2016-11-12 08:24:53):

It is normal editor not a stylish editor :-(

Unknown author (2016-11-12 13:20:19):

It is a normal editor not a cool editor |-)

Unknown author (2016-11-24 10:09:25):

Can you put it in you're own game? ;-)

Unknown author (2016-12-04 09:11:45):

I like it :-)

Unknown author (2016-12-28 01:16:54):

awsome :-D :-D

Unknown author (2017-01-23 11:15:12):

good :-D

Xan VVK (2017-02-03 11:23:33):

how do you post cursors?

Unknown author (2017-02-12 22:21:28):

im kinda having trouble, help?

58629 (2017-02-24 15:07:51):

Do you have the ability to save 3-dimensional models in a OBJ format?

Unknown author (2017-05-12 01:05:02):

good program ;-) ;-)

Unknown author (2017-06-01 10:07:23):


Unknown author (2017-06-13 21:37:45):

is good

Unknown author (2017-09-20 03:36:54):

I like it

Tutorial Please

My Name Is :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( ;-)

Unknown author (2017-11-06 21:18:36):

me a encantado :-RE

Unknown author (2018-01-19 15:20:35):

Blender is better!

Unknown author (2018-02-09 12:55:32):

Hard but cool.

Unknown author (2018-03-05 16:24:48):

I agree about Blender being better :-D.

icowin (2018-03-08 18:58:31):

Nice, i can make my own 3D Models :-)

Unknown author (2018-06-06 22:10:34):

why am i here!

why is this a 3D Model :-D!

Unknown author (2019-01-17 21:04:28):

ok :-) do not dowload :-(

Unknown author (2019-01-21 15:19:10):

Blender is better than this fuckin programme

Kamal37 (2019-02-07 17:41:08):

is this opening txd and dff files?

Unknown author (2019-04-06 17:37:02):

So it is close to blender but blender is better?!

AnotherBirdMore (2019-05-01 14:48:42):

Blender: software for professional works
Blender's size: +80MB
Unicorn 3D: simple 3D editor
Unicorn 3D size: 6.4MB
Please don't say stupid things

Unknown author (2019-08-29 05:59:30):

Damn these devs are really trying out here and y'all just hating :-( not cool.

Todd. :-)

Unknown author (2019-09-18 23:05:23):

Interesting tool because of its simply use. I'm thinking, for example, to build game sprites. Nevertheless I don't find many tutos on how use. How to save as bmp, etc?

Unknown author (2019-09-24 01:22:54):

Yeah, who is saying that Blender is better?
Blender is a very complex, hard to learn, sophisticated and vast software, surely one of the best ever.... so what?
That does not mean at all that Blender is better than other programs that use different methods, that easier to learn, lightweight, suitable for beginners too...

Vlazteron (2019-11-14 00:26:33):

You're right, Anonymous!

Unknown author (2019-11-28 22:40:16):


Unknown author (2019-12-02 14:55:39):

8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)

8-) |-)

Unknown author (2019-12-03 05:12:57):

tf does "yeet" mean?

Vlazteron (2019-12-07 01:47:30):

Yeet is an exclamation of excitement, approval, surprise, or all-around energy, often as issued when doing a dance move or throwing something. That's the meaning.

Unknown author (2020-02-28 20:55:24):

j'adore ces petits utilitaires, très spécialises.
que d'ouvrir des usines à gaz.

Unknown author (2020-03-29 15:24:50):

:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

Unknown author (2020-03-31 01:23:56):

trash |-)

Unknown author (2020-04-06 01:49:29):


Unknown author (2020-04-26 20:45:15):

Koty ;-) ;-) :-) ;-) :-) 8-) | -) : -o

Unknown author (2020-05-05 21:57:32):

se ve padre ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)

Unknown author (2020-05-19 19:44:10):


Kaosun (Geri) (2020-05-25 11:14:18):

thanks for leaving free applications to find people, download as adventure and design something as entertainment of season picture, while if possible paying something for application ... by Geri $ . i like seeing new version in future for example
(Real World Paint 2020) thanks!

Unknown author (2020-06-04 10:37:48):

At least you can do basic modelling in this.
Blender or other 3d modelling could way more confusing for a beginner.

Unknown author (2020-06-29 16:20:19):


Unknown author (2020-07-01 13:22:20):


Unknown author (2020-07-25 15:30:57):

fnaf 8-)

Unknown author (2020-07-30 04:41:39):


Unknown author (2020-10-13 10:40:16):

Super :-) :-)



Unknown author (2020-10-17 16:30:16):


this one is not downloading

Unknown author (2020-10-22 14:17:32):

why is this not called RealWorld 3D

Unknown author (2020-11-13 15:00:41):

pero como se usaaaaaaaaa donde lo pongoo

Unknown author (2020-12-08 16:00:53):


Unknown author (2020-12-10 19:28:18):

;-)the best

bob (2020-12-11 16:34:26):

how do you even start this thing

how, I don't see a create button

Unknown author (2020-12-25 17:35:02):


Unknown author (2021-01-27 20:02:45):
-) god
Unknown author (2021-01-27 20:46:56):


Unknown author (2021-02-08 05:46:13):


Unknown author (2021-02-26 15:29:01):


Unknown author (2021-03-09 12:56:28):

viva el porno

Unknown author (2021-03-23 10:28:21):

it be faker than i imagined :-( just joking

:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

havent even tried it

Unknown author (2021-04-11 04:59:48):


Unknown author (2021-04-12 05:21:03):

;-) Just thinking, is this safe or no? Let me test it first

Unknown author (2021-04-19 21:39:55):

muito bom :-)

:-) :-) :-) :-) :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D


Unknown author (2021-04-20 17:10:29):


Unknown author (2021-04-21 19:44:38):


Unknown author (2021-05-13 22:44:09):
-) </td><td>-) -)
Unknown author (2021-05-21 22:20:45):


Unknown author (2021-05-23 23:35:10):


Unknown author (2021-05-25 21:04:35):

:-) :-o


:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-o :-o :-o :-o 8-) what

Unknown author (2021-06-07 22:12:25):


Unknown author (2021-06-14 23:56:36):

racism bed!!1111111111111!!!!11 :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( ;-) |-) 8-) :-D

Warrior999destroyer1graphicskiller (2021-07-04 18:29:20):


Unknown author (2021-07-09 20:02:19):


no use is error

Unknown author (2021-07-13 03:47:39):

;-)Pretty good for 3D models.

Unknown author (2021-07-20 11:18:58):

i recommend blender since its advanced and also open source

Bloxy (2021-08-09 23:27:23):

hold up can you create roblox hats with this or wat

icon-image/22770-16x16x32.png image

but i am only getting icon and cursor editor

only if someone replies to me

then i will get this too

Unknown author (2021-09-01 01:30:17):


Unknown author (2021-09-11 07:52:10):

:-) - muy buenos sus programas. saludos desde [color=#FF0000]chile[/color]

Unknown author (2022-01-28 14:35:53):


Maybe? It's pretty old though, so probably not.

Unknown author (2022-02-05 14:36:10):

could this work on windows 10?

Unknown author (2022-02-15 05:29:14):

no :c

only vista

..... 64 still work

:-D RiP |-) ;-)

Unknown author (2022-02-16 07:55:28):

nice :-)

Unknown author (2022-02-25 01:06:21):


Unknown author (2022-03-03 14:31:43):

How can i download it ;-)

Unknown author (2022-03-11 04:31:22):


Henry vntv (2022-03-26 05:47:39):

icon-image/23890-16x16x32.png image icon-image/23890-16x16x32.png image icon-image/23890-16x16x32.png image icon-image/23890-16x16x32.png image icon-image/23890-16x16x32.png image icon-image/23890-16x16x32.png image

this is 3D icon-image/23890-16x16x32.png image icon-image/23890-16x16x32.png image

Unknown author (2022-05-01 06:24:10):

muchos buyos benisos

Tnt_Userbruh (2022-05-14 11:34:40):

i can't create something like a sphere in this app

phew.there we go.successful securing.

Unknown author (2022-05-26 17:22:48):

is someone still online on this site? 8-)

Unknown author (2022-06-05 19:25:39):

nao se criar isso :-D :-D :-D

Unknown author (2022-06-28 23:22:17):

that can animate

Unknown author (2022-08-29 18:33:21):

oooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOh, pefect :-) :-) :-) :-) ;-) :-D :-o

Unknown author (2022-10-07 17:23:07):

T pose

RedFireTheHedgehog28 (2022-10-15 09:02:50):

i got it!

Unknown author (2022-11-02 06:24:36):

Account not found (2022-11-05 16:58:54):


Unknown author (2022-11-08 17:32:30):


Unknown author (2022-11-19 04:47:53):


The3D (2022-11-19 04:59:12):

Is no amazing

Unknown author (2022-11-25 11:04:35):

fact you

fact all of you

cursorer gorkem (2022-12-05 17:22:13):

i can do the all setup there are some missing files..........
who can help me? :-(

Unknown author (2022-12-10 07:41:08):

i dnot knOw

Unknown author (2022-12-20 09:34:32):

It's a good thing, but the most important thing

                    WE NEED CHINESE!!!!!!!
Wertasf (2022-12-25 14:12:03):

s poop
mu 2

Unknown author (2023-01-11 20:15:09):

did is so nice

Unknown author (2023-01-27 21:28:57):

ok this is a blender 2.0

Unknown author (2023-02-08 17:41:02):


Unknown author (2023-02-16 10:58:34):

How can i do N64 Renders on this program?

Also, the comments here are so rude |-)

Unknown author (2023-02-19 01:55:45):

Do we look like we care? :-)

Unknown author (2023-02-25 10:33:26):

:-D :-D :-D 8-)8

Unknown author (2023-03-07 01:48:18):

ahhhh daddy

Unknown author (2023-03-10 02:41:06):
-) </td><td>-) -) </td><td>-) -)
Unknown author (2023-03-12 20:47:10):

get human decency-

and dude wdym "do we look like we care" bro you're built like a Roblox character who got torchered in the metaverse. don't be rude.

Unknown author (2023-03-16 06:13:03):


Unknown author (2023-04-19 00:11:24):

Very weird interface

Unknown author (2023-06-10 03:41:12):


Unknown author (2023-06-16 14:26:18):

Does anyone know how you export models to other file formats?

Unknown author (2023-07-08 21:27:02):

very cool!

Unknown author (2023-07-09 04:24:20):

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ameircaball

Unknown author (2023-07-29 15:58:18):


Unknown author (2023-08-04 11:02:54):

;-) ;-)


Unknown author (2023-08-09 21:15:45):

great :-D

Unknown author (2023-08-27 20:31:08):

Add support for: .med .3ds .glb and .obj please!

Unknown author (2023-09-04 13:32:18):

kill yourself

BG5DF (2023-09-05 22:43:55):

How to make a dodecahedron?

To the guy above me: Stop it!

Aaronelxd (2023-09-09 18:39:27):

esta GOD 8-) 8-)

Unknown author (2023-11-10 19:25:21):

peter griffin funny

Unknown author (2023-12-11 14:55:35):

alert alerta antifascista

pedro_tr (2023-12-15 07:06:06):


Unknown author (2023-12-26 04:05:11):


Unknown author (2024-01-07 23:14:01):

;-)muito top

Unknown author (2024-01-10 01:13:52):

Happy new year!!! :-o

Unknown author (2024-02-17 02:06:17):

I'm new

Unknown author (2024-02-22 14:46:32):


Unknown author (2024-03-16 19:31:35):

ancient program

Unknown author (2024-05-24 12:48:55):

Really, bruh |-)

Unknown author (2024-05-29 03:12:10):

this is dead


Unknown author (2024-06-03 12:00:41):

bueno, almenos logró llegar hasta el dia de hoy..

Unknown author (2024-07-29 11:36:02):


Unknown author (2024-10-05 16:57:47):


Unknown author (2024-10-12 22:10:41):

:-o :-(

Unknown author (2024-10-23 04:46:51):

:-D :-) :-D :-)

RIDDLER (2024-11-03 01:36:09):

Can Unicorn3D be used to create animated cursors?

Unknown author (2024-11-08 14:34:58):


Unknown author (2024-11-15 02:39:45):

:-D http://www.rw-designer.com/sml/laugh.gif it looks good

Unknown author (2024-11-22 07:19:58):

8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)

Unknown author (2024-12-25 18:39:21):


Unknown author (2025-01-08 19:31:22):

FIRST iN 2025!!!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!! ! !!!!! !! !! ! !! ! ! !JAnuary 8 220205

Bradley (2025-01-13 06:34:58):

Nice program! very useful :-D

Unknown author (2025-01-14 19:54:20):


Unknown author (2025-02-04 11:49:49):


Go back to article.