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cdl (2013-04-18 12:41:34):

Welcome to the RW Graphics community!
I hope you enjoy your time here!

icon-image/8398-32x32x32.png image

HusenPo (2013-04-18 17:01:32):

thank you Cdl :-) :-D ,, if I may know, what it is meant by RW in community?

ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ (2013-04-20 23:11:42):

Welcome here :-)

HusenPo (2013-04-21 09:48:50):

thanks you,, i'm new here

Unknown author (2013-04-28 05:01:03):

nice icon brother

HusenPo (2013-04-28 12:05:38):

thanks guys,, hey ,it seems I can not click you,, I'm very curious who you are .. ;-)

deadly bro (2013-04-30 16:11:04):

you can't click him cuz he is anonymous :-D

great set my fav is the ochobot

yellow haro cursors are great too

but the best is pelipo

no offense mean but i think your former name(pelipos)was better,just saying :-)

all of your sets deserve icon-image/1497-16x16x32.png image stars

HusenPo (2013-05-08 16:43:24):

Thank you,, honest of all it is the result of mind and my hands just pelipo cursors

I changed the name because I do not think I would just make a set of cursor named pelipo. husenpo itself is the name of one of the characters who play the story pelipo

Unknown author (2013-07-10 11:59:33):

nice cursors :-D

HusenPo (2013-07-10 17:32:14):

course friend,, :-D
you can download their!! 8-)

Unknown author (2013-07-13 22:45:23):

So im new here and I love how you paint you deserve alot of friends :-)

HusenPo (2013-07-14 06:18:15):

welcome friends, and join together here,, you will feel great with your first cursors :-D

Harksmau (2013-12-28 00:26:25):

I have bloody cursors pack

HusenPo (2013-12-28 02:39:28):

let me see ;-)

Unknown author (2014-01-12 18:42:52):


Unknown author (2014-01-13 12:31:53):

(.)\ /(.)

Unknown author (2014-01-15 17:37:07):

:-) hohohohohoho nope i need something that isnt big but i can feel comfortable with.

HusenPo (2014-01-19 12:07:25):

:-D :-D :-D juajaja

Unknown author (2014-06-30 19:13:55):




HusenPo (2014-07-03 11:35:58):

:-D :-D :-D :-D

you can see the other cursor on my profile 8-)

hunter17p (2014-10-20 17:45:15):


HusenPo (2014-10-25 04:39:25):

hola :-D

Unknown author (2014-11-07 07:39:33):

hi honey!how are you?

HusenPo (2014-11-12 17:25:49):

i'm fine thanks you!! :-D

Unknown author (2014-11-16 19:04:50):

Hi darling, I am Iranian, my friendship with my friend who Tvkhyly interesting because Teutons Iran ! |-)excuese me if icant write english very good! :-(

Unknown author (2014-11-19 12:30:38):


Imagine (2014-11-19 20:24:06):


HusenPo (2014-11-22 04:00:54):

no problem friend
@toad : hola :-D

vault hunter (2014-11-25 14:46:52):

so you been picking on my friend the male boss well u have me to deal with. # u lonle person ;-)

HusenPo (2014-11-26 16:41:07):

I think he has no reason and advice to me for my mistakes, and I'm sorry because I look a little before asking for it over here, while I do not like it ;-)

Unknown author (2015-01-05 15:16:24):

I'm using ur Haro cursor.. It's great!
Harox2.. Harox2..
Have u played onigiri online game? I'm searching for Shuriken cursor like in the game menu.. Shuriken with rope swinging at its end.. Thanks for ur Harox2 Harox2.. :-D

The Male Boss (2015-01-08 21:15:16):

i am aloud to advise you because it my opinion
and seconds who had the cursor libary acount longer me
who published more cursor sets me
so there

HusenPo (2015-01-09 13:18:31):

I do not understand what you said, that I know you are just trash web HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :-D :-D :-D

Thanks Anonymous, you give me the spirit,, of course
I'm in the project for producing cursor more games :-) :-) 8-)

HusenPo (2015-01-12 17:40:09):

there is no use saying you like it
will not make me stop to work
I should have said that to say, not you
because you always disturb my cursors
please stop socializing with me, I've got the support
and now you're not nothing but talk like a boy

NB: if you reply to this comment, it means you still want to be trash in my yard

The Male Boss (2015-01-13 16:58:33):

get a grip

The Male Boss (2015-01-13 18:42:16):

lets just put our difrences aside
and dont rate each others sets is that fair

HusenPo (2015-01-15 15:11:29):

:-D :-D :-D :-D apparently you also aware
already from the first I told you not sociable with me anymore
but you're late to believe

I only ask that you remove all traces of the once you left in my hosting, and I also vice versa 8-)

Unknown author (2015-03-20 18:49:02):



Unknown author (2015-06-24 22:05:31):


HusenPo (2015-07-05 18:08:08):

thanks buddy :-D

Unknown author (2015-07-07 00:49:23):

FBnya mana bro? :-o

HusenPo (2015-07-07 13:08:19):

hehhee maaf gan,,
kemarin baru di ganti,, nih yang baru 8-)
go to link >>> https://www.facebook.com/farhannulkarim

Unknown author (2015-07-14 15:53:16):

Your cursors are amazing! Keep up the great work, man. Seriously, it's insane how cool they are! :-) :-D

Unknown author (2015-07-23 19:37:13):

Damn son, man ur cursors are just to good man!!! they're so legendary!!!

HusenPo (2015-07-24 06:46:33):

yes that's how my friend,, draw anime that are popular and legendary for making it as my cursor gallery 8-)

and because I believe many people would love it <3

Unknown author (2015-09-05 23:37:09):

Can you please do a shiny umbreon cursor set? Thamkyou


here is the cursors link, buts its not completed can you make the rest of the animated shiny umbreon cursors

HusenPo (2015-09-17 15:29:26):

i'll try

NecxGen (2015-11-04 02:50:41):

What did you use to draw/make your profile pic/icon? Mine's is not smooth

HusenPo (2015-11-05 12:44:04):

@NecxGen : does that mean good?
if ugly give reasons and suggestions ;-)

Unknown author (2016-01-03 07:15:04):

abang ganteng.. makasiihh yaa, untung aja ada doraemon hahaha love love lah buat abang :-D

HusenPo (2016-04-05 18:05:48):

hahaha makasih dek Anonymouse :v

nibbler (2016-10-14 16:07:26):

Anonymouse? LOL :-D

HusenPo (2016-10-21 13:28:35):

:-D :-D

HusenPo (2017-02-22 17:47:07):

I want this to be like this cursor-preview/97682.png image > cursor-preview/55501.png image


cdl (2017-03-01 05:45:47):

icon-image/10434-64x64x32.png image
Welcome Back!

icon-image/10392-32x32x32.png image icon-image/8311-32x32x32.png image

HusenPo (2017-03-02 23:03:13):

whether it is, or just me? who feel this place has been deserted ever since I come again? ?? :-o :-( |-)

Unknown author (2017-04-24 16:23:23):

I like Asian coco

Unknown author (2018-01-20 13:46:22):

req cursor naruto 8bit bisa gk?

Unknown author (2018-01-28 17:23:45):

Nice cursors :DDD


Unknown author (2018-10-11 05:37:13):

these are so cool, thanks for your hard work <3

adrenochromedream (2019-09-18 06:11:32):

hello icon-image/16704-16x16x32.png image

HusenPo (2020-02-19 01:29:25):

Anonim : bisa gan, okeh nanti saya buat, stay trus ya |-)

Unknown author (2020-04-12 03:02:44):

would love if you made an animated vaporeon cursor pack like your pikachu one!!!

Unknown author (2020-08-25 20:15:23):


gratis :-o

:-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

volta pro site baianor kkkkkkk

BASIC_UwU (2021-01-03 17:54:29):

Hello i love ur art
! i want to do a baby yoda but its complicated

but keep the good work!!

Unknown author (2021-04-11 00:20:32):

nice cursors :-D




Unknown author (2021-04-16 20:54:50):


hey not cool

Unknown author (2021-10-20 02:36:29):

the person above me is -9 iq

also can make naruto cursors?

PlayersOnes (2022-01-27 01:41:24):

hey man the cursor when i like is agumon beathfire, but you can make pokemon cursors? :-)

Unknown author (2022-04-13 15:30:24):

I like ur cursors and i was wondering if sometime you could do a vaporeon cursor??? like the pikachu one but

LMAOAOA but keep up the work ur cursors are nice

~ ☁ Aesthetic girl ☁ ~ (2022-09-07 22:44:15):

Yo apoyo tu idea :-)

Unknown author (2023-03-28 11:02:24):

dirrrr ririr iri ri ririr ir iri r ri rir

Unknown author (2023-03-28 11:02:38):

is very good 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)

Unknown author (2024-04-26 09:44:03):

Hello :-) Can you make giroro cursors? I love giroro,,plz,,,,

Unknown author (2024-05-24 18:07:59):

good baby bro 8-)

Unknown author (2024-11-11 21:18:20):

thank you for the cursors!!! ive been using the knuckles one for around 3 years now 8-)

HusenPo (2025-02-16 07:18:03):

sorry friends, I've been busy with my main job lately, once in a while I come back to see how many people have used my work, glad to see some of you are very enthusiastic about my latest cursor.

wait for the new cursor, I have to relearn to use the RW Design application, haha ​​I didn't realize my hands were stiff when I started again :-D

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