Blender is a global object accessible in the JScript document operation to simplify the work with raster images.
OpClear = 0
OpColorBurn = 1
OpColorDodge = 2
OpContrast = 3
OpDarken = 4
OpDifference = 5
OpDst = 6
OpDstAtop = 7
OpDstIn = 8
OpDstOut = 9
OpDstOver = 10
OpExclusion = 11
OpHardLight = 12
OpInvert = 13
OpInvertRGB = 14
OpLighten = 15
OpMinus = 16
OpMultiply = 17
OpOverlay = 18
OpPlus = 19
OpScreen = 20
OpSoftLight = 21
OpSrc = 22
OpSrcAtop = 23
OpSrcIn = 24
OpSrcOut = 25
OpSrcOver = 26
OpXor = 27
OpRGBAPlus = 28
OpRGBAMinus = 29
OpRGBAMultiply = 30
OpRGBAMultiply2x = 31
OpNormalBumpmap = 32
OpHeightBumpmap = 33
OpMapChannels = 34
// new modes in version 2009.1
OpNormalDisplace = 35
OpHeightDisplace = 36
OpHeightToNormal = 37
OpRGBAMaximum = 38
OpRGBAMinimum = 39
ChEmpty = 0
ChR = 1
ChG = 2
ChB = 3
ChA = 4
ChY = 5
ChCb = 6
ChCr = 7
ChH = 8
ChL = 9
ChS = 10
// create semitransparent gray canvas (20x20 pixels)
var canvas = Blender.CreateCanvas(20, 20, 0xc0808080);
// paint it three times over the original image
Blender.Compose(Document, 10, 10, 30, 30, canvas, 0, 0, 0, Blender.OpSrcOver);
Blender.Compose(Document, 15, 15, 35, 35, canvas, 0, 0, 0, Blender.OpSrcOver);
Blender.Compose(Document, 20, 20, 40, 40, canvas, 0, 0, 0, Blender.OpSrcOver);