Document operations

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Document Operation

Document operation plug-ins perform an operation with a document according to their configuration. They may or may not modify the document.

Beside the actual document, the operation can also access view states, the active window and current language. Document operation should in general not interact with the user.

List of operations by document type

Common operations

  • JavaScript - use custom JavaScript code to modify the document.
  • Sequence - run one or more operations or transformations in sequence.
  • Display configuration - show a configuration dialog before the operation is actually executed giving the user a change to modify operation's parameters. The dialog may contain a preview window.

Raster Image operations

  • Automatic contrast - automatically adjust contrast of an image.
  • Bevel - lit a beveled surface.
  • Blend with background - blend transparent pixels with given background color.
  • Blur - Gaussian blur with given radius.
  • Canvas size - extend the size of the drawing canvas.
  • Color adjustments - adjust brightness, contrast, gamma, and color saturation.
  • Colorize - change hue and saturation of every pixel to selected values.
  • Convolution - convolve the image with itself.
  • Drop shadow - add a shadow to the image. The image must have transparent areas, or the shadow will not be visible unless the canvas is extended.
  • Fade - apply another operation on raster image and adjust its strength. The effect strength may be outside the 0-100% range.
  • Fill - fill image with gradient or texture.
  • Glow - make the bright parts of the image appear to glow by spreading their color to nearby pixels.
  • Grayscale - convert image to gray tones with selected weight of RGB components.
  • Mask - apply a filter on selected region only.
  • Modify mask - use a filter to modify selection mask.
  • Outline - replace or add an outline to shapes in the image.
  • Photoshop Filter - run an Adobe Photoshop compatible filter.
  • Print image - prints the active image on selected printer.
  • Properties - set image dimensions, resolution, alpha mode, and color depth.
  • Remove empty border - remove solid-color border from an image (or add a border).
  • Render fractal - fill the image with generated fractal image.
  • Resample - change resolution of an image.
  • Rotate - rotate the image around its center.
  • Seam carving - content-aware image resizing.
  • Set file format - set image file format (JPG, PNG, ...) and its properties.
  • Shift hue - shift hue of every pixel while maintaining its saturation and luminance.
  • Transform - apply affine or perspective transformation.
  • Unsharp mask - sharpen picture.
  • Vignetting - eliminate vignetting artifacts caused by low quality lens.
  • Watermark - print a text or a logo image on the image.

Icon operations

  • Create pre-XP formats - create 8-bits and 4-bits per pixel images from 32-bits sources.
  • Create shortcut - create a shortcut to a web page or to an application and embed an icon into the shortcut.

Cursor operations

  • Set size - change size of a static or animated cursor.

Animation operations

3D graphics operations

Recent comments

user icon Anonymous on October 16th 2013

vous ete que des fils de ......

user icon Anonymous on August 6th 2021

plese help me


user icon Anonymous on March 18th 2022

vous ete que des flis de ......

user icon Anonymous on September 28th 2022


user icon Anonymous on February 12th 2023

i hat thsi :-D :-D :-( :-o

8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)

user icon Anonymous on May 9th 2023


user icon Anonymous on February 10th 2024

me when incomplete documentation :-(
where's retarget documentation?

user icon RIDDLER registered user on January 10th

Please add more help documents related to resizing cursors.

user icon Anonymous
Select background
I wish there were...