Raster Image - Colorize

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Raster Image - Colorize

The Colorize operation is an operation plug-in, which works with raster images and sets hue and saturation of every pixel in the image to the configured values.

The operation works with 32-bit RGBA images, alpha channel is left intact.


GUID: 5118B993-1B94-4C31-AE7C-E09A14EF6C02

Parameter nameTypeDefaultValueNote
Huefloat0 degrees0-360 degrees0=red, 120=green, 240=blue
Saturationfloat10-10=gray, 1=maximum color saturation

Shortcut: CTRL + I

Recent comments

user icon Anonymous on October 1st 2012

it should be esier to find a color, like rgb

user icon Anonymous on April 3rd 2013

First I would like to congratulate and thank you guys for the great program!
And I would like to know if is it possible to collor just all the parts there are in one collor to another, cuz manually its really difficult. Example, some parts of my image have the backgroun red and i want to make it orange but without changing what is on the inside

user icon Vlasta site administrator on April 3rd 2013

For this task, you may want to use the Floodfill tool. I have added a tutorial video about that tool today, so should be able to decide whether it would do the job for you or not.

user icon Anonymous on September 3rd 2013

nástroj Floodfill :-)

user icon RIDDLER registered user on July 5th 2018

How can I make black or white colors?

user icon Anonymous on May 10th 2019


user icon Anonymous on May 1st 2023

How can I make black or white colors?

user icon Anonymous
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