Raster image

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Raster image

Raster or bitmap image refers to an image stored by a computer in a specific way.

Raster images are composed of pixels. Each pixel has an assigned color (and eventually another parameter, for example transparency). Pixels are arranged in rectangular net of given width and height.

Raster image consists of pixels
Raster image - squares (pixels) are visible in the zoomed-in area.

Raster images can be modified by changing colors of individual pixels. Pixels can be changed one by one or in groups by drawing tools. For example the line tool can create an effect of a drawn line by changing colors of pixels laying along the defined line.

Due to the nature of raster images, once the the line tool changes the pixels (user applies the operation), the information about them forming a line is lost. Therefore, it is impossible to change a line after it was drawn.

The fundamental property of a raster image is its size - the width and height in pixels. When creating raster images, you can specify their size.

For more info visit read the introduction to computer images.

Recent comments

user icon Anonymous on November 5th 2012

Is it a bitmap or just whatever a line or object is on the plane? ;-)

user icon Buttercup registered user on March 29th 2014

when you are going to create a raster image and there is the option to change height and width of canvas, what is the 'resolution' option for? :-(

user icon Anonymous on July 10th 2015

How to save into Animated PNG files after creation?

user icon Vlasta site administrator on July 10th 2015

If your file is an animation, just go to File->Save as... and pick Animated PNG type.

user icon faih123 registered user on October 26th 2015

what is the normal width and height ? :-(

user icon Anonymous on March 28th 2017

C'est très bien le concept de crée une aplication pour crée des cursor mais n'hésiter pas à agrandir les pages des créations ! Merci de votre compréhension.

user icon csid2136 registered user on December 6th 2020
user icon Anonymous on March 25th 2021

como volver al diseño original de la barra de herramientas . lo tengo bloqueado

user icon Anonymous on May 14th 2022
-) 8-) :-o :-( :-) ;-)
user icon Anonymous on July 28th 2022

para que un image no ten ga pixesls tiene que es tar con medida 2000x2000

user icon Anonymous
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