doesn't work
The Render Fractal operation is an operation plug-in. It is not installed by default in any of the RealWorld Designer applications, but it can be downloaded from the Online page.
The operation overwrites the content of the current layer in an image by the selected fractal image. (To learn more about fractals, visit for example Wikipedia.) When the plug-in is installed, you can start it by clicking on "Render fractal..." in Effects menu (the location may differ in various applications).
After starting the operation, the configuration window displays an interactive preview of the generated fractal. After selecting the fractal type and color gradient, you can select a portion of the fractal by dragging the preview with your mouse and zooming in and out with mouse wheel. The slider on the side controls aspect ratio. Some fractals also require an additional parameter that affects the fractal properties. Clicking or dragging in the box in the lower left corner produces different fractals.
GUID: 55238C91-45A3-4D92-90E1-3EC97A82992D
Parameter name | Type | Default | Value | Note |
Fractal | int | 0 | 0 = Mandelbrot set 1 = Julia set 4 = Barnsley 5 = Spider 6 = Man'o'war 7 = Lambda | |
CenterX | float | 0.0 | ||
CenterY | float | 0.0 | ||
Zoom | float | 1.0 | ||
Aspect | int | 0 | -50...50 | logarithmic scale |
ColorMap | string | "" | a sequence of stops and colors; for example "0,0,0,0,1;65535,1,1,1,1;" (black->white) | |
CX | float | 0.5 | not valid for Mandelbrot set | |
CY | float | -0.5 | not valid for Mandelbrot set | |
Iter | int | 50 |
doesn't work
in what application and what version?
Broken for me, configuration dialog opens, but is blank. Hitting OK crashes(Realworld Cursor Editor).
That is unusual. What version of the editor? Have you downloaded it on the Online page or copied it manually?
Doesn't work
i dont get how you use it
See the bar at the top of the application? The one with File, Edit, Image, View, and stuff? Well, click on Effects, and look in the list. In the near bottom, there will be a Render Fractal option. Click that. Then, do whatever you want! Hint: The preview at the top is a preview of what will be generated, so if you move that around, the fractal that is generated once you press OK will move around.
I really like watching fractal videos. The only problem is that I do not know how to make them.