Raster Image - Canvas Size

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Raster Image - Canvas Size

The Canvas Size operation is an operation plug-in working with raster images. The operation changes the canvas size of the image, positions the original content on the new canvas and eventually fills the empty space by given color.

Canvas size configuration panel

In relative mode, the specified size is added to the current size. Otherwise, the new dimensions must be specified.


GUID: 8B4C0E3F-AF8E-493D-B44B-8C692DBE0893

Parameter nameTypeDefaultValueNote
Typeinteger00,10 = relative, 1 = absolute
DeltaXinteger0pixels (if Type = 0)
DeltaYinteger0pixels (if Type = 0)
SizeXinteger800pixels (if Type = 1)
SizeYinteger600pixels (if Type = 1)
Alignmentinteger40-80=TL, 1=T, 2=TR, 3=L, ...

Recent comments

user icon Anonymous on March 24th 2012

Why can't I just set the canvas size by regular paper sizes?
All of this above is greek to me.
8.5 in X 11 in or letter size makes sense.
Or if I want to make it half a sheet.

Michael Marchione

user icon Anonymous on May 26th 2013
user icon RIDDLER registered user on January 10th

How to resize canvas with cursor?

user icon Anonymous
What about ICL files?
Select background