Raster Image - Set File Format

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Raster Image - Set File Format

The Set File Format operation is an operation plug-in, which works with raster images and sets the default parameters for saving the file. That means the next time you attempt to save a file, the file format and optional compression properties set by this operation will be used.


GUID: CE490E68-3571-4736-84A1-7AF7E9270938

Important: the configuration depends on the image codecs actually installed. Because the parameter names are composed and contain the \ character, it is impossible to use the simplified syntax when setting them from JavaScript.

Parameter nameTypeDefaultValueNote
FormatID\Formatinteger32 or 241, 24, 32bits per pixel, only valid for BMP
FormatID\MaxColorsint2562-256only valid for GIF
FormatID\Ditheringbooltrueonly valid for GIF
FormatID\Interlacingboolfalseonly valid for GIF
FormatID\Metadatainteger10=remove, 1=keep, 2=updateonly valid for JPG; update means that EXIF thumbnail, image size and resolution will be updated during saving
FormatID\Losslessinteger20=disabled, 1=no rotation, 2=enabledonly valid for JPG
FormatID\Qualityinteger851-100only valid for JPG
FormatID\Chromainteger00=unknown, 1=1x1, 3=1x2, 9=2x1, 11=2x2only valid for JPG

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user icon Anonymous
Vista & Win 7 icons
What about ICL files?