Comic bubble drawing tool

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Comic bubble drawing tool

rsrc/bubble-tool.png image BUBBLE is a drawing tool capable of enclosing shape drawn by the internal tool in a comics-like bubble. Since BUBBLE is a meta-tool, it requires another tool to specify content of the bubble - usually the TEXT tool.

BUBBLE only has a single parameter, which defines the color (and transparency) of the bubble. The bubble has no outline, but the STYLIZE meta-tool can be used to add a black outline by using a small shadow with very high density.

Recent comments

user icon Anonymous on July 4th 2017

Could you tell the non initiated how to use the speech bubble tool?
Nothing seems to happen when I type in the text I want to appear in a bubble and the help tips are a little succinct.

user icon Vlasta site administrator on July 11th 2017

What software, what version?

user icon Anonymous
I wish there were...
Vista & Win 7 icons