Cursor Set - living things

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living things Cursors

living things
  • Published on June 21st 2010 by redtv4me.
  • Released under the Release to Public Domain license.
3.4 out of 5 stars. (5 reviews) Log-in to add your review.

things that are alive

Tags: Animal


by redtv4me

See also

Pink Chubby Bunny TeaserPink Chubby Bunny Cursors
by bunbun3139an improved version of
Zebra Zed TeaserZebra Zed Icons
by RIDDLER47Zebra head icons.
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by dingdongdie3651ribbit... looks like some frogs have appeared! they seem to like you-...
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by dingdongdie1661adorable little pigs! seems like some of them got to the mud puddle.....
(Undertale) Asriel Teaser(Undertale) Asriel Cursors
by RainyForrest877These cursors are NOT mine and come from custom-cursor Asriel Normal ...
Kawaii Bunny Bunnies and strawberries TeaserKawaii Bunny Bunnies and strawberries Cursors
by ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥21k[[icon:9010]] ツ NaLexnu ♥.♡ Enjoy the set. Thanks for download ...
(Undertale) Asriel God of Hyperdeath Teaser(Undertale) Asriel God of Hyperdeath Cursors
by RainyForrest517These cursors are NOT mine and come from custom-cursor Asriel God of ...
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by Social Queen40(❁´◡`❁) . - ~ . - ~ . - ~ Credits

Recent reviews and comments

user icon Teddy registered user on June 25th 2010

3.5 out of 5 stars.

kinda nice if someone likes animals on his desktop =P

user icon Margen67 registered user on July 8th 2010

3 out of 5 stars.

Dino and Horse come with Windows. 3/5.

user icon Anonymous on January 5th 2012

It wasn't STOLEN by someone! Read the description, it says it was released into the public domain. I was searching for these! (actually, I was hoping for better, but based on what I've found so far, I'll stick with these 1990 cursors!)

Where's the girl dinosaur that goes with this? She had a pink bow!

user icon Matias0211 registered user on March 21st 2012

3.5 out of 5 stars.

Cuantos recuerdos me trae ver esos punteros!! esa medusa, la serpiente y la abeja! me recuerda cuando era chico y jugaba a cambiar los fondos de pantalla de la computadora de mi tía jajajaja. Que viejos momentos!

user icon Nintendo registered user on April 8th 2012

4.5 out of 5 stars.

These are really cool but the hotspots are off a bit i know you may not check this cursor set a lot but when you do please fix the hotspots i would be very happy.

user icon Anonymous on September 29th 2012

Whien it said "living things" i expected Linkin Park :-o

user icon Anonymous on April 10th 2018

bee is cool

user icon Anonymous on December 2nd 2021

ыоу суцк 8-)

user icon Anonymous