Cursor Set - Animals

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Animals Cursors

  • Published on May 6th 2014 by Firestar.
  • Released under the Release to Public Domain license.
1.8 out of 5 stars. (3 reviews) Log-in to add your review.

Just some animals

Tags: Animal


by Firestar

See also

Pink Chubby Bunny TeaserPink Chubby Bunny Cursors
by bunbun3154an improved version of
Zebra Zed TeaserZebra Zed Icons
by RIDDLER47Zebra head icons.
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by dingdongdie3655ribbit... looks like some frogs have appeared! they seem to like you-...
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by dingdongdie1663adorable little pigs! seems like some of them got to the mud puddle.....
(Undertale) Asriel Teaser(Undertale) Asriel Cursors
by RainyForrest878These cursors are NOT mine and come from custom-cursor Asriel Normal ...
Kawaii Bunny Bunnies and strawberries TeaserKawaii Bunny Bunnies and strawberries Cursors
by ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥21k[[icon:9010]] ツ NaLexnu ♥.♡ Enjoy the set. Thanks for download ...
(Undertale) Asriel God of Hyperdeath Teaser(Undertale) Asriel God of Hyperdeath Cursors
by RainyForrest518These cursors are NOT mine and come from custom-cursor Asriel God of ...
Cute Cow TeaserCute Cow Cursors
by Social Queen40(❁´◡`❁) . - ~ . - ~ . - ~ Credits

Recent reviews and comments

user icon Anonymous on June 22nd 2015


user icon kittykats52 registered user on November 24th 2019

2 out of 5 stars.

these are not cursors, they are pictures, and they'd be better with icons because when they're so large and square it blocks a lot of the stuff on my computer and I can't really see anything

user icon C0$M!C G0D registered user on November 26th 2019

1.5 out of 5 stars.

agree with kittykats, these are pictures and not cursors. they are hard to use and poor quality but the cats are cute though

user icon snickerdoodle registered user on December 1st 2019

2 out of 5 stars.

I also agree with cool cursors and kittykats, mycats and raaf are pictures and would work better as icons. the other cursor is great but please specify that they are left-handed.

user icon Anonymous on May 9th 2024

suck my dick

user icon Anonymous