Cursor Set - Binary Enchanced - Copper Shadow

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Binary Enchanced - Copper Shadow Cursors

Binary Enchanced - Copper Shadow
  • Published on June 1st 2021 by .
  • Released under the Custom (contact author) license.
5 out of 5 stars. (1 review) Log-in to add your review.

There is another cool copper color for the "Binary Enchanced" cursor collection. This "Binary Enchanced - Copper Shadow" cursor set contains a total of 20 cursor roles. This cursor set was re-colored by the user i486 on the website. This time, the color is a nicely themed copper brown colored cursor set. Please note that there are no "Busy Waiting" and "Busy Star" cursor roles in this cursor set because they were removed from this collection by i486 because he did not like them. Instead, this cursor set comes with four animated cursor roles. Two of them are binary numbers and the other two cursor roles are hourglass cursors.

The borders for all the cursors in this set are in orange and the fill color is dark brown. Both those colors together blends perfectly well to create a copper look for all the cursor roles in this set. This cursor set is not brown, but copper in color.

Make sure that you use the latest Windows 10 build to get the best performance of this cursor set. Please be aware that the 21H2 build of Windows 10 will be released this fall in November 2021. This new build of Windows 10 will be code-named Sun Valley. The Sun Valley update for this version of Windows 10 might have more appearance options such as new color options or maybe new options for cursors. Please read the following pages on the links below to be informed about this upcoming release of Windows 10:

The hourglasses are two animated cursors with rotating actions that animates when the hourglasses have all the sand drained to the bottom of the hourglass. Just like as with real hourglasses, the sand drops to the bottom, then the hourglass is flipped over to repeat the action of draining sand at the bottom of the hourglass. Want to see and learn more about hourglasses, then visit the following links on Wikipedia below:

Hourglasses are available for purchase in various colors, from Amazon on the links below:

I have shortened the above Amazon URLs using this URL shortener because super long hyperlinks looks ugly and messy on the RealWorld website. The problem with RealWorld Graphics is that this website is not optimized to wrap long links to this page. Below is the link shortener website link if you need it:

I hope that this Binary Copper cursor set impresses your mood.

Tags: Windows 10 ■ Brown



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Recent reviews and comments

user icon RIDDLER registered user on June 1st 2021

This is a fantastic copper binary cursor set.

user icon RIDDLER registered user on June 1st 2021

Perfect work i486.

user icon RIDDLER registered user on June 1st 2021

He did a perfect job. Well done for him on adding the two new hourglass cursor roles. What a shame that he removed the "Busy Waiting" and "Busy Star" cursor roles. I liked them a lot.

user icon ツ☪ NaLexnu ♡♥ contributing user on June 2nd 2021

5 out of 5 stars.

i like them

keep your good job

have nice night

icon-image/9565-16x16x32.png image

user icon RIDDLER registered user on June 2nd 2021

I am glad you like them. I also recently uploaded a yellow & brown binary set. Take a look at it. You will like that one too.

Have a nice night as well.

user icon Anonymous on November 21st 2021

This is so cool. I wish I knew how to make such cool cursor sets as this! 8-)

user icon RIDDLER registered user on November 21st 2021

I know this is so cool. Making such a cursor set is hard.

user icon Anonymous