Cursor Set - Black Ink

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Black Ink Cursors

Black Ink
  • Published on January 12th 2011 by .
  • Released under the Release to Public Domain license.
4.6 out of 5 stars. (4 reviews) Log-in to add your review.

this set is just for fun... this black cursor is bad to be seen on black background


by Leo_de_Jevga

See also

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Recent reviews and comments

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user icon Leo_de_Jevga registered user on January 12th 2011

all i what had was Real World Cursor Editor, my mouse and my brain :-D 8-)

no seriously: i work only with the mouse ;-)

user icon Vlasta site administrator on January 13th 2011

They look very good. I hope you'll add more to make them a complete set. Two tips:

  • Try beveling them to make them at least slightly visible on black backgrounds.
  • Start the animation in the middle of the loop to have a better preview image.
user icon Leo_de_Jevga registered user on January 13th 2011

yes thanks ;-) I will but this "set" was just a test...I make one when i have some good ideas

user icon Anonymous on April 14th 2011

All I see is a dot |-)

user icon jojois74 registered user on September 11th 2011

4.5 out of 5 stars.

You need a browser that can view animations like Firefox. In your browser you can probably click on them to see them. Anyway, GREAT!. I love these. Make more and I will raise the rating. These are amazing.

user icon Nintendo registered user on March 17th 2012

5 out of 5 stars.

I love them nice job icon-image/5315-48x48x32.png image NINJA STYLE

if thats not good enoguh then try icon-image/5315-256x256x32.png image BIGA NINJA STYLE

user icon Jason registered user on March 6th 2013

4.5 out of 5 stars.

ha ha thats really unique. :-D I like the randomness of this idea. :-)

user icon Anonymous on January 8th 2016

Doesn't work in 2016

If you have a custom cursor on, then it disappears.

user icon snickerdoodle registered user on November 8th 2019

4.5 out of 5 stars.

great animated effects but sometimes they disappear and its very hard to find the little black dot :l. you should make the whole set!

user icon Anonymous on April 27th 2021

kewl but not amazing

user icon Anonymous