Cursor Set - Bounty Hunter

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Bounty Hunter Cursors

Bounty Hunter
  • Published on August 16th 2015 by .
  • Released under the Custom (contact author) license.
4.4 out of 5 stars. (6 reviews) Log-in to add your review.

Well not a whole lot in the description of this one ,as he is a bounty hunter ,and that means officially he is off the grid.

hope you all like it
please let me know !

PS: ,I added an extra cursor in case anyone prefers it to the original working or busy cursors

Tags: Sci-fi Fantasy


by Acrux

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Recent reviews and comments

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user icon J registered user on August 21st 2015

4.5 out of 5 stars.

Acrux I've just downloaded this set an I am using it.It is surely cool But I wanted to give suggestion.:
1 text select and resize cursors you've made have a large animation before even the actual shape for the role is visible (eg a beam for text and arrows for resize.
It gets a little distracting confusing and annoying at times.
Also for the precision role it's the same long animation before crosshair appears.
Will you please do some rectification in them?
I will not decrease the rating as they are already good.

J 8-)

user icon Acrux registered user on August 21st 2015

Absolutely J, no problem at all,i will work on them and drop you a message when i'm done

user icon Acrux registered user on August 21st 2015

Ok ,adjustments have been made to the areas you requested ,let me know if anything else needs changing ,,

in some of the cursors i removed a frame or two that was a duplicate as well as sped up the animations a little

user icon J registered user on August 22nd 2015

4.5 out of 5 stars.

they're perfect now
icon-image/10392-128x128x32.png image
icon-image/9417-64x64x32.png image

user icon Anonymous on August 29th 2015

Wow it's cool |-) |-) 8-) :-(

user icon Anonymous on November 11th 2015

Lols nicecs

user icon Anonymous on January 13th 2016

I was wondering if there's the option to change a cursor's name?

user icon Anonymous on February 15th 2017


user icon Anonymous on September 6th 2018

AWESOME! Thank you for sharing your cool designs

user icon Anonymous on October 17th 2021


:-) it was the best cursor I have ever used!


heh can you make me some sets?

user icon Anonymous