Cursor Set - Doctor Who - The Doctors

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Doctor Who - The Doctors Cursors

Doctor Who - The Doctors
  • Published on February 4th 2014 by .
  • Released under the Release to Public Domain license.
5 out of 5 stars. (1 review) Log-in to add your review.

All of the Doctors from Doctor Who. And K-9. Hope you enjoy them.


by Miss Mycroft

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Recent reviews and comments

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user icon Miss Mycroft registered user on February 23rd 2014

The screwdrivers are coming in a different set. This is for the doctors. K-9 was added accidentally but people enjoyed it. There are daleks in a different set.

user icon Anonymous on March 15th 2014


user icon Anonymous on March 15th 2014

make a sonicSCREWDRIVER! |-) :-D

user icon Miss Mycroft registered user on March 15th 2014

As I have said before, if you read the comments, I have made a sonic screwdriver. It is in my other doctor who set. This is for the Doctors from the series only. K-9 was added by accident to the set. I will take requests but if they are stupid and repetitive I will get annoyed. Thank you.

user icon Anonymous on March 16th 2014

Is there a chance that you might be able to animate some of the Doctors? For example the ninth doctor you could have the legs switch so it looks like he's running. Thnx for reading.

user icon Miss Mycroft registered user on March 16th 2014

Unfortunately I'm currently busy with college work but if I find a spare moment I may look and see what I can do. But each cursor took me about 3 hours to make, and I simply can't spare the time currently.

user icon Anonymous on March 17th 2014

Yikes, thanks for considering me anyway

user icon Anonymous on July 21st 2014

I loved them! ;-) Is there any way you could make them a bit bigger?

user icon Anonymous on February 8th 2016

Make the 11th doctor a bit more handsome

user icon Anonymous on January 25th 2021

muy bien :-) :-) :-) :-)

user icon Anonymous