Cursor Set - Harry Potter

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Harry Potter Cursors

Harry Potter
  • Published on September 14th 2010 by juanello.
  • Released under the Release to Public Domain license.
3 out of 5 stars. (3 reviews) Log-in to add your review.


Tags: Book Character


by juanello

See also

Out Of This World Too TeaserOut Of This World Too Cursors
by adrenochromedream1952outer space themed cursors
Imagine That TeaserImagine That Cursors
by adrenochromedream847cursors that stretch the limits of imagination
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by adrenochromedream3269Cookie Monster icons
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by adrenochromedream2481large lot of colorful cursors
Yugi Moto TeaserYugi Moto Cursors
by 0001540Yugi Moto Cursors, Sprites From "Sprites Resource"
Manic mix TeaserManic mix Cursors
by adrenochromedream2890a manic mix of cursors
Superhero Collection TeaserSuperhero Collection Cursors
by adrenochromedream4763A giant lot of Superhero & Super Villian cursors

Recent reviews and comments

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user icon Anonymous on August 11th 2011

dude! 8-)

user icon Anonymous on August 14th 2011

NICE 8-)

user icon Auni38 registered user on January 2nd 2012

2 out of 5 stars.

Blech it! Don't Like the wounds like that!

user icon Nintendo registered user on April 7th 2012

5 out of 5 stars.

cool real worlds graphics so realistic like the movie

user icon Anonymous on December 26th 2012

is there any way you could make some that are Fable 2 and 3 inspired?

user icon Anonymous on October 8th 2014

BORING! Add more cursors please. Plus, that doesn't even look like harry's wand. If you're going to make Harry Potter cursors at least do it right. |-)

user icon Anonymous on October 3rd 2015

Nice one!

user icon Username destroy registered user on November 30th 2015

2 out of 5 stars.

I know you've put a lot of work into these few cursors and they look pretty good. But... you need to put more cursors on it. Those cursors aren't actually spells from the Harry Potter Universe.

user icon juanello registered user on December 21st 2015

For free?,no thanks. ;-)

user icon Anonymous on March 15th 2021
user icon Anonymous