Cursor Set - Left Handed Cool

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Left Handed Cool Cursors

Left Handed Cool
  • Published on September 5th 2017 by .
  • Released under the Release to Public Domain license.
3 out of 5 stars. (1 review) Log-in to add your review.

Left handed version of my first set.
Right handed set here.

I don't expect too many downloads, because this is left-handed.

Tags: ■ Red Sci-fi


by Lazer29

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Recent reviews and comments

user icon Anonymous on September 16th 2017


user icon alalab registered user on September 16th 2017

Well, hi hehe

(new developer) 8-) 8-)

user icon TyranicalRex registered user on September 16th 2017

3 out of 5 stars.

:-D nice!

user icon ApacheAttackHelicopter registered user on October 11th 2017

2 c00l 4 sk00l

user icon Anonymous on January 14th 2020

thanks yeeeeeeeeeeeeee

user icon Anonymous