A fun cursor set in both [32,48] sizes for windows. Added extra/bonus cursors and animations for user enjoyment.
Have fun & enjoy!
<06.02.18: Repaired normal.ani blemish & added new normal 2.ani & normal.cur>
Tags: Triangular □ Multicolored
However, on the animated normal, there is an outline
@pizzachu22: Try it now. Only the [48] size had very light, uncolored pixels which I rectified. Thanks and enjoy!
Ok, so I used RWPaint and made new images and cursorfied them. Normal.ani is a new cursor with no blemishes.
@AJaxx thanks! I forgot to say that I LOVE the simple design!
Amazing, I love it!
Find out how Vista icons differ from XP icons.
See how RealWorld Icon Editor handles Vista icons.