I created this cursor set using Minish Cap graphics, most of them are animated and have a drop shadow built in. Enjoy .
The cursors are as follows:
Normal: Link running
Operation running: Octorok
Busy: Vaati
Question mark: Link with cane.
Crosshair: Rupee cross.
Text selection: Sleeping link.
Pen tool: Link with pen.
0.5 out of 5 stars.
They're pixelated.
5 out of 5 stars.
I Love Zelda Like I Love These Cursors
4.5 out of 5 stars.
Ricon, did you realize why they are pixelated? BECAUSE THEY ARE SPRITES OF (GBA) THE LEGEND OF ZELDA: MINISH CAP Pixelated or not, Broojo02 didn't deserve a 0.5, because he worked creatively with the sprites. Just compare the cursors with other sprite-worked cursors. Most of them are direct ripages from the games, without further working on them. But, Broojo02, at least you used them with the creativity that Nintendo characters deserve.
I will just give 4.5 stars because the set is not complete…
5 out of 5 stars.
awesome you rock at art dude
5 out of 5 stars.
wow your so good at art you r like a pro good job
4 out of 5 stars.
Not a full set, and they are Sprites after all.
I have to LOL @ Goku, he has you pegged as an artistic wizard!
I do have one question, why are you not creating other sets?
Not one more set have you created in all these years.
What are you going to do when this set reaches 2000 downloads?
Yeah, I know. That is two questions.. lol..
Seriously, you should reward your fans!
Give them something special to celebrate the momentous achievement!
Congratulations on the accomplishment of 1950 downloads!!
cool set!
you should make more aweosme cursors!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-D
these cursors are actually worth downloading! (unlike some others)
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