Cursor Set - More RealWorld Classic

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More RealWorld Classic Cursors

More RealWorld Classic
  • Published on December 23rd 2023 by .
  • Released under the Release to Public Domain license.
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These are cursors I forgot for the cursor pack "RealWorld classic cursors". So here are the cursors I made using the editor. Here are the non-preset cursors in the pack:

Busy/Wait: For this, I used a hourglass from (c:)/Windows/cursors instead of a clock, making it more like the classic microsoft hourglass that wasn't animated.

Pen: I could not find an preset for the cursor also like the other three cursors. So I also used the cursor from the cursors file in my (c:)/windows/cursors file just like the other three cursors.

WIB (a.k.a working in background): I used a WIB cursor for the hourglass, and the preset for the arrow. I also added a shadow for both.

Presets I modified:

Unavailable: I used a wait circle preset then removed all the frames for the cursor and drew an diagonal cross in the middle to make it represent a unavailable cursor.

You can get the other cursors related to this:


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