sem comentarios.
bem legal eu não consiguiria fazer um desses quer dizer eu melhoraria MUITA coisa,brinks
eu ja acho top conseguir fazer isso depois da um help ai pra mim,please!
hi! and that's all i have to say
This is the second set of Naruto, this one was my first and favorite Anime.
sem comentarios.
bem legal eu não consiguiria fazer um desses quer dizer eu melhoraria MUITA coisa,brinks
eu ja acho top conseguir fazer isso depois da um help ai pra mim,please!
hi! and that's all i have to say
this is verry bad an not epik. narut is bad anim. hate it liek gaez. suprrrr bad pleas fukcning delet
narito is very uncool he run with he arms up becuz he beta male i like aang more he do water trick like magic man naruto just get no girl cuz he like boy
in Boruto he is dating Hinata so he cant be gay and fix your spelling plz it makes you look like a retarded sped
Very nice, but could you also make ones with full character and not just face but still very nice
This is very nice!
I have something to say to the person who said Naruto is uncool though. Look kid, Aang is a tiny bald piece of shit that comes from the babyish anime TV show. And just so you know, Naruto runs like that because it lets him and people in real life run faster idiot. And if you say Naruto doesn't get any girls, you are the most wrong person to every be alive. Aang got one girl, that little dumb one Katara. Naruto though, got more girls in the series than you can think of. Aang got a girl that didn't even like him in the beginning, but Naruto got someone (Hinata) who loved him since they met. Boom.
i love naruto and these cursor are so epic! i love it!
vo colocar :-D
5 out of 5 stars.
Please Animate! It's Very Blank!
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