Cursor Set - Nemesis Fx by neone6 (for windows)

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Nemesis Fx by neone6 (for windows) Cursors

Nemesis Fx by neone6 (for windows)
  • Published on August 23rd 2020 by .
  • Released under the NonCommercial Usage Only (CC nc) license.
5 out of 5 stars. (4 reviews) Log-in to add your review.


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Nemesis Fx
Updated Oct 28, 2014 by neone6
Aircraft, Spaceship, Missile? Nobody really knows.

The Nemesis arsenal is held in mystique and rumors to most, but feared by all.



by lifeisillusion

See also

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Recent reviews and comments

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user icon santiagosousasan registered user on August 24th 2020

5 out of 5 stars.

Nossa esse cursor é ótimo eu do nota 1000/1000

user icon AJaxx registered user on August 24th 2020

@ evilrover and anonymous: LOL talk about taking it too far. Mind your business!

@ lifeillusion: That was a good set to convert. Too bad you took it down. Now don't get mad, there are hundreds of converted sets on different sites. Most of them cursor XP and not that good. While this may be easy for you, for most it's not, let alone extracting images from a cursorFX file. If you look objectively you'll see that a lot of the detail is lost and the cursor kind of blurry or soft. Perhaps that could be sharpened or done a little better? Look how sharp your Neon cursors are. I never said that porting cursors is a creation or that only I can do it. We know that many others have done it before. What I will say is that I take my time and try to do the best that I can. Meaning I would run the images through RWPaint and adjust the canvas size to get the possible cursor when the image is cursorfied. And in closing, comparing my conversions to all the others, mine is the best. Hands down.

Hope you keep making cursors and converting them. It makes people happy.


user icon not used anymore registered user on August 25th 2020

@Ajaxx: If you want to make people like this site, then make sure to threat them in the way they need to be. People don't try to be the greatest, they want to make their users happy. You seem to think that every person that re-distributes a cursor set to this website is a desperate person trying to be successful. Not everyone tries to be the most successful.

user icon AJaxx registered user on August 26th 2020

LOL If you say so...

user icon QUEEN registered user on August 28th 2020

5 out of 5 stars.

its decent cool nice job

user icon Anonymous on September 6th 2020

Hewo i like it my frnd ;-) was jealous

user icon ꧁ Ryjerun ꧂ registered user on June 18th 2021

5 out of 5 stars.

Really Good...
Why Don't You Complete The Set..


Make Sure That You Put More Effort and More Animation.. icon-image/15613-16x16x32.png image

user icon Anonymous on July 9th 2021

Ajaxx vs lifeisillusion

Edit crea el pack completo plssssssss :-) :-D

user icon nightklp registered user on November 3rd 2021

5 out of 5 stars.


user icon Anonymous on December 26th 2021

i dont really like how its not a full set

user icon Anonymous