Cursor Set - Pokemon Charmander and Ditto

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Pokemon Charmander and Ditto Cursors

Pokemon Charmander and Ditto
  • Published on July 26th 2011 by bisumito.
  • Released under the Release to Public Domain license.
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Yup. Pokemon.

Tags: Pokémon


by bisumito

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Recent reviews and comments

user icon bisumito registered user on July 26th 2011

Sorry about the offset CharChar :-(

user icon cdl contributing user on January 3rd 2013

Can't you redo the char-char?
Charmander and Ditto are so cute!
How about a bigger Ditto and another character to expand the set a bit?

Nice job.
icon-image/6385-32x32x32.png image

user icon Anonymous on April 20th 2013

:-D These are so cool! There are so many Pokemon to choose from (from other users that make them)but I actually think that the Charmander was great! I'm using it as my main cursor.

user icon Anonymous on July 8th 2017

Ditto's size is too small.. But It's so cute. Thanks!

user icon Anonymous