Cursor Set - Random Distorsion

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Random Distorsion Cursors

Random Distorsion
  • Published on December 8th 2024 by .
  • Released under the Release to Public Domain license.
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I give you a custom cursor set of 17 cursor roles with a Random Distorsion. This cursor set that I have made contains all of its cursor roles in the static format. The distorsion effect comes from a png template fill that I have downloaded as an add-on for the RealWorld Cursor Editor software application so that I was able to create this cursor set by using that fill effect as the main fill theme for this cool cursor set. I have used the Styles menu section of the application to create the border styles of the cursors, and I also applied a default shadow effect to make this cursor set look better. since I have set all of the outline borders to Inside in the settings panel that appears to the right of the application, I was required to use a shadow effect to both bring out a better outline border effect and to also simply add a shadow effect to all of the cursor roles. It is possible to change the shadow effect to any color, but I used the default black because it suits to look of this greyish themed cursor set. Any other color would spoil that shadow effect.

Just in case you are wondering why I have spelt the word distorsion with an "S" instead of a "T" is because the pattern template fill that I have downloaded for RealWorld Cursor Editor was spelt with an "S" instead of a "T". That is not a spelling mistake. The ending of the word ending with "sion" comes from a different language. In true English, this word "distorsion" is written as "distortion" with "tion" at the end of the word. Just read the following links for proof on the two different ways that this same word is written in the English language:

Wiktionary has the right answer. The word is correct in both spellings. Wiktionary is an online dictionary for browsing words in English similar to Wikipedia, but only for grammatical words.

Tags: ■ Silver



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user icon RIDDLER registered user on December 8th 2024

Random Distorsion Features:

1. Random Distorsion png texture.

2. Black outline border from the Styles menu.

3. Black shadow effect from the Styles menu.


user icon Anonymous