Cursor Set - Redsword

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Redsword Cursors

4.1 out of 5 stars. (4 reviews) Log-in to add your review.

Pur'roc Redsword cursor.
Thanks to Macku: Toa of Bubbles for the drawing used.


by The Sword of the Heart

See also

Animated Gun TeaserAnimated Gun Cursors
by The Sword of the Heart6712A simple drawing of a gun with a crosshair. The crosshair and gun wil...
Gun Advanced TeaserGun Advanced Cursors
by The Sword of the Heart18kYou know Gun've've dreamed for more. A dra...
Paper Plane TeaserPaper Plane Cursors
by glitchy122klittle paper planes have icons that pop out
Dove TeaserDove Cursors
by The Sword of the Heart20kI started with the dove cursor from the Christianity section of Curso...
Mac Aero TeaserMac Aero Cursors
by Data Dude17kbasicly Macintosh with the Aero colors.

Recent reviews and comments

user icon Anonymous on February 11th 2008

look on the comment thing

user icon sixλxis forum moderator on February 9th 2010

3 out of 5 stars.

derp ok


this set is k.

user icon Deathatron49 registered user on March 6th 2012

LOL! Bionicle!

user icon Anonymous on July 9th 2012

Bionicle rules

user icon SYNTHCRѺ contributing user on August 4th 2012

3.5 out of 5 stars.

Bionicles, OK I was wondering what this was.


user icon Anonymous on November 23rd 2021

what go's in what place help plz

user icon Mr. X registered user on January 16th

5 out of 5 stars.

i love these so much. sorry, i just ate like 20 whole packs of chicken nuggets and now have to write a review. the chicken was amazing as always and now i want to give it 5 stars but i cant. to bad to me. nice cusors. 10/10 recomend

user icon Anonymous