Ok, I still don't own these,but...
ripping the two base, in-game cursors
was a bit of an endeavour ;Þ
Oh, hey Thth ~
As I was typing :
I tried capturing those two cursors
with the Print key... *buzzer*
tried capturing 'em with IrfanView... *buzzer*
tried resource hacker on the executable (404)
& tried it on the .dll files included (null)
I looked up if I could decompress the game's data...
there was indeed an extractor for "Evil genius"
that handled the very same compression.
But then, I was confronted with another file format
I couldn't possibly handle.
This should've marked
the end of our quest, yes?
Haha, well... no.
You see, if the development
does its upmost to forbid us
from ripping those assets, it means
we gotta go ahead, & rip the assets anyway!
And I had an epiphany (maybe two).
1-The cursors DO, appear in YouTube footage... what gives?
2-I randomly found out, that cursor size slider & registry setting
DO, affect the in-game cursors!
ERGO, I took very brief footage of those two cursors
at humongous sizes, opened it on VLC, pressed the Print key,
& pasted on paint. GOTCHA :Þ ...sorta...
At first I cropped the cursors, & made
some basic math to shrink 'em down.
However, the artifacts didn't sit well with me,
so I sampled the averages from the screencaps
of the giga-cursors, & reconstructed 'em.