Meh, it's another stupid pointless Runescape set. Honestly, these cursors look ugly, just like the other sets based around that pathetic game.
The Most AWSOME Dragon Axe set.
Meh, it's another stupid pointless Runescape set. Honestly, these cursors look ugly, just like the other sets based around that pathetic game.
0.5 out of 5 stars.
RuneScape isn't pathetic, it's fun. But I agree with you on the cursor part. They're completely unusable and a direct image rip from RS itself with some triangular pointer tacked on.
No he's right author is right runescape IS pathetic, and it sucks
i like the black a lil
OK, runescape is not pethetic. However its by the opionin of the person. i personly think baseball is a pritty pethetic sport. but thats just my opinion.
runescape starts to go on the new tour and i dont like it
ok if u guys didnt like runescape y were u looking at their cursors? i think its a good set just keep on practicing.
suck cursor and runescape rocks
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