Cursor Set - Cool shaded pointers

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Cool shaded pointers Cursors

Cool shaded pointers
  • Published on September 9th 2020 by ll.
  • Released under the Release to Public Domain license.
4.5 out of 5 stars. (3 reviews) Log-in to add your review.

Filled with 10 shaded cursors to use on your PC!


by ll

See also

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by Vlazteron695A mix of various cursors, some of them are made by me, but the most o...
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Recent reviews and comments

user icon Anonymous on September 9th 2020

:-Di like this site very very much

user icon eeveelover64 registered user on September 9th 2020

wut .-.

user icon Vlazteron registered user on September 9th 2020

4 out of 5 stars.

Ok, that's decent for a beginner.

user icon RIDDLER registered user on September 9th 2020

5 out of 5 stars.

That's a decent pointer set.

user icon Rando registered user on September 9th 2020

4.5 out of 5 stars.

A good pointer set. Better than me! (Not saying much. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)

user icon eeveelover64 registered user on September 10th 2020


user icon Anonymous on September 10th 2020


user icon Vlazteron registered user on September 14th 2020

4 out of 5 stars.

420 downloads :-o

user icon Anonymous