The simple arrow is the best of the set. It is nice to see that someone is using the 3D tools to create cursors. Users contributing to the online library can get the 3D module for free...let me know when the evaluation is nearing the end.
My lastest and best cursor set. Sharp and Smooth is a stylish modern cursor set that is both functionalistic and makes use of an attractive design. Sharp and Smooth uses an appealing blend of silver and blue tones that provide an elegant feel amongst your desktop and is clearly visible across all surfaces. Sharp and Smooth is an original set that has made use of good ideas from other sets such as Real World Cursor set. This set provides a unique cursor for all categories of cursors and all cursors work perfectly together. Sharp and Smooth Cursor set will deffinetly be hgih among your favourites and i truely hope that you enjoy using it. Regards, Troy.
The simple arrow is the best of the set. It is nice to see that someone is using the 3D tools to create cursors. Users contributing to the online library can get the 3D module for free...let me know when the evaluation is nearing the end.
This is a GREAT set. I love it. Adding a shadow would make it look great!
Great Set,love it.
i m man of few word. in one word... cool
5 out of 5 stars.
I like the animation in the link select and the busy cursor.
i really love the gray and blue, perfect combination.
5 out of 5 stars.
:-D thanks. so nice
really sharp and smooth
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