please create rgb cursors i like rw-designer by best cursors!!
Thought I'd grab a recent Ubuntu cursor sheet and have them compatible with Windows, so enjoy since I haven't found these anywhere on the internet, that works with Windows at least.
I will continuously update these and add the Ubuntu animations onto the Busy and Background Busy cursor and eventually all the Ubuntu cursors.
You are free to use them as you wish and whatnot, but please do not take these and re-upload them anywhere claiming you made this set.
please create rgb cursors i like rw-designer by best cursors!!
4 out of 5 stars.
please fix the hotspots and make more roles! I love linux cursors
its blurry
this was the best!!!
good but incomplete.
kinda cool
is good
please add anims. it looks wrong to have them static
Find out how Vista icons differ from XP icons.
See how RealWorld Icon Editor handles Vista icons.