Cursor Set - Windows XP 3D Orange / Zune (recoloured system scheme)

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Windows XP 3D Orange / Zune (recoloured system scheme) Cursors

Windows XP 3D Orange / Zune (recoloured system scheme)
  • Published on February 13th 2014 by .
  • Released under the Attribution+NonCommercial (CC by-nc) license.
4 out of 5 stars. (2 reviews) Log-in to add your review.

This is a recolour of the Windows XP 3D White / Gold / Turquoise system schemes. As such, there is no Precision, Text, Handwriting, Alternate or Link cursors as there never were any 3D variants of these to begin with. Instead, just use whatever default system cursors you prefer with these to give your mouse theme a default feel, while being the right colour to match an orange theme or the Windows XP Zune theme.

These are all static cursors (even the ones based on the original animated cursors) made years ago on and for a Windows XP machine. I have not tested these on any other OS, however, they may still work. They look best on Windows XP when you have the Zune theme installed. The reason they are all static is because at the time when I made them, I could not be bothered to recolour all frames of animation again, having only recently completed my 3D Red scheme.

The Help Select cursor, however, is a bonus as there never was a 3D version of this, but given how easy it was to create, I just had to.

If you still run XP, get the Zune theme and add these for a pretty good look. All you need then is a nice wallpaper. I recommend XP's default blue crystal, recoloured orange using decent image editing software.

If you have any problems with my cursors, please let me know so I can look into it.


by Kip

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Recent reviews and comments

user icon Anonymous on February 18th 2014

incomplete =dislike :-(

user icon Kip registered user on February 18th 2014

Like my red theme, I made this purely for myself without the intention of ever releasing it. The missing cursors never had 3D versions to recolour in the first place. The standard (2D) ones from the 3D white scheme were good enough for me. Obviously there is no need for me to include these as they are part of Windows XP, for which this set was intended for. As far as I'm concerned the set is complete because it keeps to the original 3D White system scheme, just a different colour. That's all this is, a recolour of the special 3D cursors and so is complete for my original purpose. If you feel like the other non-3D cursors need recoloured and/or 3D-ified then go ahead and make them yourself, it is not that difficult. As I personally do not use XP much any more (only for legacy support of old software) I do not feel like modifying this set.

user icon nibbler forum moderator on February 1st 2016

5 out of 5 stars.

Great Work there! Shame they are not a complete set. How is the Working in Background and Busy not animated?

user icon EzequuielBRAZIL registered user on May 29th 2016

WHITE? |-)

user icon Anonymous on May 30th 2016

Nice :-D

user icon Anonymous on February 26th 2017

make bronce xp cursors

i like your xp cursors :-D

user icon Anonymous on May 23rd 2018

Cool, but needs to be a large size set available ;-)

user icon Brandon H. registered user on December 18th 2018

i thought they were just fine. i had to make a link

user icon RIDDLER registered user on July 10th 2019

3 out of 5 stars.

Your set is good but its not finished. You need a total of 15 cursor roles to have a complete set. :-(

user icon Anonymous on January 28th 2022

Not bad ;-)

user icon Anonymous