Cursor Set - Zyzzyva

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Zyzzyva Cursors

  • Published on November 26th 2024 by .
  • Released under the Release to Public Domain license.
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Zyzzyva is a genus of South American weevils, often found on or near palm trees. It was first described in 1922 by Thomas Lincoln Casey Jr. based on specimens obtained in Brazil by Herbert Huntingdon Smith. The name Zyzzyva is a very strange name for an insect and the spelling of the word has three "Z" letters, which is very unusual in the English language. Usually, most words in the English language have one of two "Zs" within a word.

This Zyzzyva cursor set that I have created contains 17 cursor roles. It contains only two frames per cursor role, and I added the name Zyzzyva as text below the beetle insect. That insect picture is a real image of how this insect looks like. I made this cursor set for Windows XP to Windows 11. That is why there are three resolutions. They are 32x32, 48x48 & 64x64 pixels.

The theme color choice that I used to match the color of the Zyzzyva insect is brown. Two shades of brown can be seen when carefully observing the two animated frames playback in your web browser. The cursors are supposed to be small and most of them have been hand drawn by me. There are no outlines needed, except for the mouse pointers and hand cursors, which I used the wizard to make them. I also used the custom fill command from main menu, and I used parts of the colored pixels from the image template that I downloaded from Google to bring out this cool fill effect from my computer's clipboard for the mouse pointers and the hand cursors. I also applied a black border template after completing the fill effects.

Tags: Nature ■ Brown



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Recent reviews and comments

user icon RIDDLER registered user on November 26th 2024

Zyzzyva cursors are here. If you are passionate for insects, then take a look at this Zyzzyva insect.

user icon Anonymous