First off, I didn't see anything in the pre-sales documentation which let's you know that this program is constantly and actively communicating with a server via the internet.
Now is there a way to turn off this behavior, or, do I need to ask for my money back? Please advise and thanks!
Well, it is not constantly or actively communicating with this server. It communicates when:
All these features are there for the benefit of the end user and the task cannot be accomplished without requesting data from the server.
I understand that people want to be in control of their computers and are concerned about privacy, but the software landscape is changing. I can either adapt and provide some of the benefits of the constantly-on internet to the users of the applications or become obsolete.
Ah, interesting. Well, (in my opinion), that's fine if you DISCLOSE that behavior BEFORE someone buys your product...NOT AFTER. That way it provides individuals with the ability to decide if they want to keep their right to privacy intact or if the software might actually be worth sacrificing your privacy to use.
What you claim to be a benefit, at least to me, is not. You really need to do two things here. The first, disclose the ACTIVE communication with your server and two, please refund my money and disable my serial number.
On a side note, the software does look nice!
All is disclosed. Also, there is a 30-day evaluation period during which the application works exactly as when registered. All information is available before anyone decides to purchase the license.
And there is no HIDDEN communication. Should it really be necessary to write somewhere that if the Online page is shown, the content comes from the internet? I do not think so.
Furthermore, I have given you a simple guide how to avoid the Online page entirely.
I cannot disable your serial - I have no control over your computer. There is no online activation that you find in many current applications, including Windows. If something, RW apps are respecting the privacy and leaving the user in control much more than an average application. If you want the refund despite the fact that I have solved your complaint, contact me from the email you have used to buy the license.
I sent you an email in reply. Now everyone reading this topic please understand this. In no way am I eluding that Vlasta's software isn't top notch or in anyway inferior to other products. In fact, this looks to be the best icon editor on the market.
My only issue is the open connectivity situation and that's it. If you don't mind the internet communications that this is a nice piece of coding. It's just not my cup of tea
One final time: do not visit the Online page and that is ALL there is if you do not like the feature. It is completely optional.