Item guesser 4 - RealWorld forums

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Item guesser 4

The game has been updated!
Account not found
on August 15th 2022

Welcome to item guesser!

Today we are gonna guess another item, before we start, you will read the rules for this forum game

Anyways we are gonna start now, today we are gonna guess:

item/glasses.png image

The Joo Janta 200

As a reward of guessing you will get: item/wrapping-paper-1.png image

Wrapping paper roll

But for participe you will have to give me 3 buttons on PM.

rsrc/LEGOKit.png image

Henry vntv
on August 16th 2022

this time im gonna let a nother people give it a try :I

Account not found
on August 16th 2022

What are you trying to say?

Henry vntv
on August 17th 2022

i'm going to give another people a try

Account not found
on August 20th 2022

This forum game as ended,the result was:
Joo Janta 200 hides advertisements from website
If you want to know the next, visit my profile and click the URL above the text: "Item Guesser forum game"

Page views: 432       Posts: 5      
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