Mac or Windows?? - RealWorld forums

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Mac or Windows??

on August 27th 2023

What do YOU think is better!?

on August 27th 2023

windows, alot more compatibility and gaming, mac for videos lol

on August 30th 2023

Windows Vista

Beautiful Appearance, Cool Games, Better programs

on September 5th 2023

That's kind of bit of a hot take @Bobcat Games, although Vista has a beautiful and sleek design, it was very bloated in terms of hardware, and very slow at that, but it's your opinion at the end of the day! :-D

on September 6th 2023

Linux =)

on September 6th 2023

thats also a good one, alot more customization with linux

on September 6th 2023

Windowes 10 Pro is the best

on September 7th 2023

windows 10 pro

on September 7th 2023

windows puts mac in mating press at this point

on September 8th 2023

I got Ubuntu side loaded with my Windows 10 pro PC. :-)

on September 11th 2023

But why Windows 10? It has lot of bloatware, and there's no way you can remove app store.

The sp2 basically fix the defects of Vista

on October 19th 2023

Windows 10? EWWWWWWWW

on October 20th 2023

windows 98 the best one

on November 7th 2023


on November 23rd 2023

Bro WinVista spams you that annoying little nag about performance, and some programs didn't work!! Win7 is better

on November 25th 2023

But of course Windows Is the best but i never usted a mac before

Best Windows versions:
1. Windows 7
2. Windows XP
3. Windows 10 (If you manage to remove bloatware, ms edge and find tools to improve Windows 10)

Worst Windows versions:
1. Windows ME. (Slowy and unstable)
2. Windows Vista (Although it has nice appearance it has bad compatibility Is slow and keeps spamming that annoying little nag about performance)
3. Windows 11 (The new vista; I regret upgrading to Eleven)

on December 7th 2023

Me when i say something:

People can swear if they want, is freedom of speech

on December 30th 2023

Nah Ubuntu is the best B-)

To jjk1432 and GWIM WEAPER; Uh no Windows 10 is fucking ass (Never ditch Linux for Windows)

on December 31st 2023

ok but people would rather accessibility over complications, and vm's can lag, and aren't that fast either, so people sticking to windows is easier cuz compatibility

on January 1st 2024

Ewww Windows sucks

on January 2nd 2024

First, there's Ubuntu and Linux Mint, they are the best distros for beginners, second, millions of applications are available for Linux, and if you have a decent 2019 (Or later) then a vm shouldn't lag, unless you assign too much RAM memory to it, third, there's a quick way to make it look like windows (In terms of interface), or Linux Mint, which uses Cinnamon interface, which is the closest UI that looks like Windows (7 or later) and last, in Linux is easier to remove bloatware/not needed applications, and has more customization.

And that's why Linux is the best in my opinion.

Cursor Mania
on January 11th 2024

Windows so supremme!! I don't wanted to change the OS.

on January 13th 2024

Nah Arch Linux is gigachad B-)

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