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how to...

Help me!!!
on September 29th 2007

How do I use the cursor i made and make it as my curosr

on September 29th 2007

There are multiple ways - the instructions are here

on September 29th 2007

hi ur a noob i cant help you haha

on October 18th 2007

Don´t bother. Try leaving the house and talking to real people. That might help.

on December 12th 2007

omg i need help

on February 9th 2008

Go to the "software" page of this website and download the "change cursor" tool. Then right-click on a cursor and you can change it.

on February 19th 2008

omfg people how do you remove the curser, i want my regular mouse back!

on February 19th 2008

You can revert back to you original cursor using Mouse Control Panel. There is a "Use default" button and standard cursors are in C:\WINDOWS\Cursors folder.

on June 4th 2008

u got to go to the control panel and the turn it into classic view and click mouse and then u push pointers and push browse and find the place3 where u saved the cursors and pick the one u want

on June 20th 2008

Go to Microsoft Mouse or if you don't have that go to control panel and hit mouse. Then go to pointers and hit browse. If you saved it in the right place it should be under C:WINDOWS:Cursors unless you created a special file with the file type "Cursors". If so then save it there.

on February 7th 2009

changing text size?

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