Brown Full.ico

- Published on December 27th 2024 by RIDDLER.
- Released under the NonCommercial Usage Only (CC nc) license.
- Designated to be used as "My Documents" icon.
- Icon for Windows XP, Vista and 7.
Coloured 7 Transparent Marble Folders.
Images in the icon
To download individual pictures from the icon, right-click on the image and select "Save image as..." in the menu.

16x16 pixels, smooth edges

24x24 pixels, smooth edges

32x32 pixels, smooth edges

48x48 pixels, smooth edges

56x56 pixels, smooth edges

64x64 pixels, smooth edges

72x72 pixels, smooth edges

80x80 pixels, smooth edges

96x96 pixels, smooth edges

128x128 pixels, smooth edges

256x256 pixels, smooth edges
- What is a Windows icon?
- How to download and use an icon?
- Convert images to icons online.
- Create your own icons in RealWorld Icon Editor.