Icon Set - Canadian Currency

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Canadian Currency Icons

Canadian Currency
  • Published on June 14th 2009 by Doc.
  • Released under the NonCommercial Usage Only (CC nc) license.
5 out of 5 stars. (1 review) Log-in to add your review.

The 1954 series Bank of Canada notes were in circulation for decades and became known for their striking colors and straightforward designs. Here is the complete set. These icons are useful for similar applications that differ only in colors or versions or other differences, but color coding will prevent confusion.


by Doc

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Recent reviews and comments

user icon sixλxis forum moderator on June 18th 2009

Holy awesome. this rocks my socks! Partly because i am canadian!

user icon Doc registered user on June 21st 2009

Cool! I am working on an earlier Canadian series, which had the same color scheme. They make good icons because they show up nicely on so many different backgrounds.

user icon sixλxis forum moderator on November 6th 2009

You should make front and back individually.

user icon Doc registered user on June 6th 2010

Well, the front and back individually are too narrow horizontally to make good icons. A good icon is nearly square or vertically-oriented rectangular.

user icon cdl contributing user on January 4th 2013

5 out of 5 stars.

allow me to be the first to rate this set because everyone else is too lame.. icon-image/6387-32x32x32.png image
I mean, wtf even the Canadian didn't rate. He did leave a nice comment but dang.. no rating..

very nice work and I get what you are saying about the rectangular image.. I think it makes your icons quite unique having both sides. Great job!

icon-image/6385-32x32x32.png image

user icon Anonymous on February 8th 2021


user icon Anonymous