Those are simple printable letters.
Printable Letters Icons

Make Breaks Printables (
Terms of Use
Thank you for downloading this printable from Make Breaks! We will be publishing new printables regularly so don’t forget to check back to see what new goodies we have for you and sign up to our newsletter -
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If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me. My name is Kate and you can email me at
Terms of Use
The image/graphic/printable remains copyright of Kate Pullen, you are granted a license to use this image.
Personal Use
You are welcome to print this image to use for your personal use. You can recreate this page as many times as you like by simply printing new copies.
Commercial Use
This image is not to be sold or distributed either digitally or by selling the finished prints. This includes loading the finished image onto print on demand websites such as Zazzle, Spoonflower etc. However, you can make and sell items you make by hand using my templates, images and graphics.
Please do not share this image or post this image onto image sharing websites. Instead, please point people to the website where they can download their own - this helps me keep these printables FREE for ever!
Thank you for your download and I hope you visit again soon!
January 2017.
Tags: Game Simple Text □ Transparent □ White
- Want to create your own icons? Try our icon editor.
- Learn more about icons in Windows XP or Vista and Windows 7 icons.
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