Icon Set - Scrabble Tiles - White

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Scrabble Tiles - White Icons

Scrabble Tiles - White
  • Published on December 1st 2020 by .
  • Released under the Release to Public Domain license.
4.9 out of 5 stars. (5 reviews) Log-in to add your review.

I have made another icon set with scrabble tiles. This time, the tiles are white. I have used the templates from this site here: https://www.papertraildesign.com/free-printable-scrabble-letter-tiles-sign/

You can purchase 100 professionally crafted 100 scrabble letters manufacturered by CleverDelights here: https://www.amazon.com/CleverDelights-100-Wood-Letter-Tiles/dp/B01M23VVQ4/ref=sr_1_4?crid=26IQO4CLT3W64&dchild=1&keywords=white+scrabble+letters&qid=1606844903&sprefix=white+scrabble%2Caps%2C218&sr=8-4

All the letters that you purchase from Amazon or Ebay have letter scores on each of the letters. The value of points varies depending on how popular a letter is in a set. You can buy sets of 100, 200, 300, 500 or even 1000 scrabble tiles. Prices varies as well so make sure to buy the cheapest ones if you plan to buy sets of scrabble letter tiles.

There are 26 scrabble tiles featuring all the letters from A to Z. The resolution is 256x256 for all the scrabble tiles. All my scrabble letter tiles sets are in the same resolution as with this set.

This set of scrabble tiles, as well as my others will encourage players to buy scrabble tiles from eBay or Amazon if needed. You can create your own game of scrabble at home buy buying various scrabble tiles colors. Most of them are made of wood but some of them are made with plastic. Wooden tiles are of much better quality than are the plastic tiles.

The blank tile was missing from this set, so I have included it in the set. Blanks are used for helping you out to choose any letter to use in a game of scrabble.

Tags: Game Text □ White



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Recent reviews and comments

user icon RIDDLER registered user on December 1st 2020

Here is the white version of the scrabble tiles.

user icon Huh_ registered user on December 1st 2020

5 out of 5 stars.

The texture of your other scrabble set i think it's better, but that doesn't mean this set is bad. I really love the simple sets like this. Both of your sets are great!

user icon Bobcat registered user on December 1st 2020

5 out of 5 stars.

Hooray! A more simple version of the original. The other one's texture really is better, but This is more simple. And some people really love simple, don't they? Again, you are standing out from the other sets, and that is great. You are very imaginative. ;-)

user icon tHEmEEPYjIB registered user on December 1st 2020

5 out of 5 stars.

:-) This is very nice looking and simple. I actually like it a lot :-D

user icon RIDDLER registered user on December 1st 2020

Both my scrabble sets are good. I have a wooden texture one and this white one so far. I hope to find more colors to add later on. I plan to add all the colors for each of the scrabble tiles.

My icon sets are simple and give true impressions of how a good icon set or cursor set should look and feel like.

user icon Speechless registered user on December 3rd 2020

5 out of 5 stars.

Simplicity is key, my friend. Really cool that it looks almost plastic like. You did a good job, and i like your dedication. You really do a good job when it comes to icon sets. :-D

user icon RIDDLER registered user on December 3rd 2020

Simplicity is the key to making successful icons and cursors. The white tiles does not have a plastic texture. They are simply pure white with black letters. I always do a good job with all my icons and cursors.

user icon RIDDLER registered user on December 5th 2020

There is now a blank tile included.

user icon The Male Boss registered user on August 18th 2023

4.5 out of 5 stars.

Good job on your scrabble tiles icons set.
You’ve included enough icons to make it a full icon set.
I would have preferred for the icons to come in more icon sizes than just 256x256.
You’ve also included the blank tiles too which can represent any letter.
You’ve even remembered blank tiles score 0 regardless of which letter it represents which is great knowledge upon your behalf.
You’ve also got the points for each letter right.
My only suggest would have been to add a scrabble board to the set.
But other than that the set is perfect.

user icon RIDDLER registered user on August 20th 2023

Thank you so much Mr Boss for rating and loving my white scrabble tiles. This set is complete with all the 26 letters of the alphabet, plus the blank tile. The size is only 256x256 pixels.

I have many other scrabble tiles set like this one in multiple colors, including a rainbow version as well. Check them out.

I cannot add a scrabble board to this set, but I do have a scrabble board set, which is a miniature board design. this scrabble board icon set does not scale up to the size of those scrabble tiles. The scrabble boards are only a representation sample on the 15x15 and 21x21 scrabble boards which are available for download on Google Images as examples.

Thank you so much Mr Boss for enjoying this icon set so much.

user icon Anonymous