Icon Set - Scrabble Tiles - Violet

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Scrabble Tiles - Violet Icons

Scrabble Tiles - Violet
  • Published on December 9th 2020 by .
  • Released under the Release to Public Domain license.
4.5 out of 5 stars. (2 reviews) Log-in to add your review.

I have been thinking for a while "what if I made a violet scrabble tiles set" in addition to my existing "purple scrabble tiles" set? Well, the short answer is "yes". I will make a violet scrabble tiles set. Violet and purple are two different colors with similarities. Violet is usually darker than purple. That is the reason why I made this set of scrabble tiles in violet, which is similar to as a dark purple.

The RGB values for the background is very dark so it is not possible for me to used black letters. To match the violet background, I have used light purple for all the letters. Below are the following RGB values which I have used for the background color of the tiles and the letters. The letters are known as the foreground because they are on top of the background. Here are all the RGB values that I used to create this violet set of scrabble tiles:

Background: Tiles.

R: 80
G: 40
B: 100

Letters: Foreground.

R: 180
G: 111
B: 200

The RGB values for both the background and the foreground (letters), are distinguishable from each other so that the letters are easy to read. If I made the mistake to use black letters, then the letters would be very hard to read. That is because violet and black are fairly close together in color proximity.

This is my very first set of scrabble tiles where I had to use another color than black for the letters. When I soon decide to make the black set of scrabble tiles, I will make the letters white to give it the best possible contrast and clarity.

On Amazon, I have found this violet set of scrabble tiles. The background if purple and the letters are light purple, similar to my set which I just created.


The scrabble tiles sold on Amazon are made from plastic. There are no wooden versions of this violet set. The set has 100 scrabble tiles, which has the same usual distribution of letters which you get with a standard scrabble game.

Tags: Game Text ■ Purple



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Recent reviews and comments

user icon RIDDLER registered user on December 9th 2020

This is an all in round purple set. What I mean is that both the letters and the background have a purple color applied.

user icon Bobcat registered user on December 9th 2020

5 out of 5 stars.

I like the new letter color. It really suits the tiles. Too bad you cannot make the blank ones 100% blank. |-) But I understand it is not your fault.

user icon Insane Games registered user on December 9th 2020

3.5 out of 5 stars.

They look pretty good BUT can you make a transparent/see through one of these??


user icon RIDDLER registered user on December 10th 2020

That's why I made the letter purple. That gives this color a brighter and better appearance which blends better with the background.

I wanted to make a transparent set of scrabble tiles, but the transparency feature was removed a few days ago. Also, there is another problem, when converting .png files to .ico files, the transparency is lost.

user icon RIDDLER registered user on December 10th 2020

Now, I am going to make a lavender icon set of scrabble tiles.

user icon RIDDLER registered user on December 13th 2020

I am a whizz kid who likes purple and blue.

user icon RIDDLER registered user on December 13th 2020

I am a whizz in my own art creativity. I am an adult though. My favourite color is green and has always been green. I guess that I have more green sets on my profile than as with other colors. However, I do my very best to host all the colors of sets on my profile. That includes all colors for cursor sets and icon sets.

user icon Anonymous